- Accessories0 products
- Board book3 products
- Boxed pack20 products
- Carl Sandburg. Introductory Note by Walter Lippmann. Preface to the Dover edition by Paul Buhle1 product
- Dover5 products
- Edith Wharton1 product
- Ernest Hemingway1 product
- Euclid1 product
- Heydar Radjavi and Peter Rosenthal1 product
- Hugues Leblanc1 product
- Ian Anderson1 product
- Jack Black1 product
- James Weldon Johnson. Drawings by Aaron Douglas.1 product
- Leon Ehrenpreis1 product
- Ludwig van Beethoven1 product
- Peter Lancaster1 product
- Sigmund Freud. Translated by W. D. Robson-Scott1 product
- Thornton W. Burgess1 product
- Wolfgang Pauli1 product
- Cloth over boards94 products
- A. A. Milne. Illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard2 products
- Alice Medrich1 product
- Alice Starmore. Photography by Jade Starmore1 product
- Allyn J. Thompson1 product
- Anna Sewell. Illustrated by Cecil Aldin1 product
- Anna Starobinets. Translated by Jane Bugaeva. Illustrated by Marie Muravski1 product
- Asha Dahya1 product
- Audre Lorde. Foreword by Sonia Sanchez1 product
- Aymer Vallance, Lewis F. Day and Walter Crane1 product
- Bill W1 product
- By F. Funck-Brentano. Illustrated by O. D. V. Guillonnet1 product
- Carl Sandburg. Illustrated by Harriet Pincus1 product
- Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham1 product
- Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Louis Slobodkin1 product
- Charles Kingsley. Illustrated by Jessie Willcox Smith1 product
- Charles Turzak. Edited and with an Introduction and Captions by Bob Blaisdell. Preface by David A. Beronä1 product
- Christina Rossetti. Illustrated by Florence Harrison1 product
- Dawn McMillan and Ross Kinnaird1 product
- Dover2 products
- Dr. Dana Marrocco1 product
- Dr. Joseph K. Dixon. Introduction by Joe D. Horse Capture1 product
- Eadweard Muybridge1 product
- Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac1 product
- Edgar M. Cortright. Foreword by Paul Dickson1 product
- Edited by Walter Jerrold, Illustrated by Charles Robinson1 product
- Edited by Walter Jerrold. Illustrated by Charles Robinson1 product
- Edited with an Introduction by Gabriel Banat1 product
- Edward J. Detmold1 product
- Eleanor Vere Boyle1 product
- Enid Bagnold1 product
- Epictetus. Translated by George Long1 product
- Eric Sloane1 product
- Frederick Richardson1 product
- Freely Translated into English by Mark Twain. Illustrated by Fritz Kredel1 product
- Geoffrey Chaucer. Illustrated by Edward Burne-Jones1 product
- Giacomo Patri. Introduction by Tito Patri and Georges Rey. Afterword by Peter Kuper with the Original Introduction by Rockwell Kent and Epilogue by John Lewis1 product
- H. G. Wells. Illustrated by Warwick Goble1 product
- Hans Christian Andersen. Art by Harry Clarke1 product
- Hylke Faber1 product
- Illustrated by Chéri Hérouard, René Vincent, George Barbier, and others1 product
- Illustrated by Edmund Dulac1 product
- Jack London. Illustrated by Paul Bransom1 product
- Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham1 product
- James Gurney3 products
- James Gurney. Foreword by M. K. Brett-Surman, Ph.D1 product
- Jamie Delano. Illustrated by John Higgins1 product
- Jean Henri Fabre1 product
- John Bunyan. Illustrated by George, Frederick and Louis Rhead1 product
- Kahlil Gibran1 product
- Kristin Helms and Meg Stone. Foreword by Brianna Wiest1 product
- Lao Tzu1 product
- Louis P. De Gouy2 products
- Lucius Apuleius. Illustrated by Jean de Bosschère1 product
- Marcus Aurelius1 product
- Marie Hall Ets and Aurora Labastida. Illustrated by Marie Hall Ets1 product
- Mark Twain. With the Original Illustrations by True Williams1 product
- Mary and Vincent Price with a Retrospective Preface by Victoria Price. New Foreword by Wolfgang Puck1 product
- Nathaniel Hawthorne. Illustrated by Virginia Frances Sterrett1 product
- Oscar Wilde, Illustrated by Charles Robinson1 product
- Paul Creswick. Illustrated by N. C. Wyeth and Howard Pyle1 product
- Paul Dickson1 product
- Pierre Louÿs. Illustrated by Willy Pogany1 product
- R. O. Blechman1 product
- R. O. Blechman. Foreword by Jules Feiffer. Introduction by Maurice Sendak1 product
- Retold by Flora Annie Steel. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham1 product
- Retold In Modern Prose By Jessie L. Weston1 product
- Richard De Bury1 product
- Rudyard Kipling. Illustrated by Maurice and Edward J. Detmold1 product
- Ruth Binney1 product
- Ruth Stiles Gannett. Illustrated by Ruth Chrisman Gannett1 product
- Ruthven Todd. Illustrated by Paul Galdone4 products
- Sam Glanzman. Foreword by Ivan Brandon. Introduction by Jon B. Cooke. Afterword by Allan Asherman1 product
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Illustrated by Willy Pogány1 product
- Stephen Murphy and Michael Zulli. Introduction by Dave Sim. Afterword by Stephen R. Bissette1 product
- Sun Tzu1 product
- Susie Moore1 product
- Thornton W. Burgess. Illustrations by Harrison Cady1 product
- Told by C. S. Evans. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham1 product
- Vincent Price. Preface by Victoria Price. Foreword by V. B. Price1 product
- W. T. Cummings1 product
- Walt Whitman; Mose Velsor1 product
- Walter Jerrold. Illustrated by Charles Robinson1 product
- Wassily Kandinsky. Translated and with an introduction by M.T.H. Sadler1 product
- William Patten and J. Walker McSpadden. With a Preface by Paul Dickson1 product
- Winsor McCay1 product
- Written and Illustrated by Don Simpson1 product
- EPUB5,554 products
- A. A. Abrikosov1 product
- A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. Gorkov and I. E. Dzyaloshinski. Translated and edited by Richard A. Silverman1 product
- A. A. Klaf2 products
- A. A. Milne1 product
- A. A. Milne. Illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard2 products
- A. A. Sveshnikov1 product
- A. and E. Keary. Illustrated by C. E. Brock1 product
- A. B. Mitford1 product
- A. B. Westervelt, W. T. Westervelt1 product
- A. C. Doyle1 product
- A. Charayron and Leon Durand1 product
- A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A. Lavrent'ev1 product
- A. D. Taylor. With a New Preface by Paul Dickson1 product
- A. Desaint1 product
- A. Durenne1 product
- A. E. Conrady2 products
- A. E. Housman1 product
- A. E. Waite2 products
- A. Erdélyi1 product
- A. F. Murison1 product
- A. G. W. Cameron. Edited by David M. Kahl1 product
- A. Ginzburg1 product
- A. Guinier1 product
- A. H. England1 product
- A. Hamilton Thompson1 product
- A. Hauser1 product
- A. Hyatt Verrill1 product
- A. I. Borisenko and I. E. Tarapov. Translated from Russian by Richard A. Silverman1 product
- A. I. Fetisov and Ya. S. Dubnov1 product
- A. J. Bicknell And Co3 products
- A. J. Bicknell and Company1 product
- A. J. M. Spencer1 product
- A. J. McConnell1 product
- A. J. Roycroft1 product
- A. Kwiatkowski1 product
- A. Lichnerowicz. Translated by J. W. Leech and D. J. Newman1 product
- A. Lucas and J. Harris1 product
- A. M. Nagler1 product
- A. M. Yaglom1 product
- A. N. Kolmogorov. Translation edited by Nathan Morrison1 product
- A. N. Tikhonov1 product
- A. O. Barut1 product
- A. O. Gelfond. Translated by Leo F. Boron1 product
- A. O. Gelfond. Translated from Russian and Edited by J. B. Roberts1 product
- A. P. Laurie1 product
- A. S. Hitchcock U.S. Dept. of Agriculture2 products
- A. S. Kompaneyets1 product
- A. S. Monin1 product
- A. Sanguineti1 product
- A. Seidenberg1 product
- A. T. Mahan1 product
- A. V. Skorokhod1 product
- A. W. F. Edwards1 product
- A. W. Smith1 product
- A. Y. Khinchin1 product
- A. Y. Khinchin. Translated by D. M. Andrews and M. H. Quenouille1 product
- A. Ya. Khinchin2 products
- Abbie Farwell Brown1 product
- Abbott Payson Usher1 product
- Abigail and John Adams1 product
- Abraham Adrian Albert1 product
- Abraham Adrian Albert and Reuben Sandler1 product
- Abraham Cahan2 products
- Abraham Lincoln1 product
- Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas1 product
- Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. Edited by Edwin Erle Sparks2 products
- Abraham Lincoln. Edited by Bob Blaisdell2 products
- Abraham Swan1 product
- Abraham Wald1 product
- Ad. And M. P. Verneuil1 product
- Adalbert Roeper1 product
- Adam Smith1 product
- Addison Mizner1 product
- Adele P. Margolis1 product
- Adolf Bolotin, Alexander Pozamantir, and Alfonsas Raudeliunas1 product
- Adolph Menzel. Selected and with an Introduction by James Gurney1 product
- Adolphe Armand Braun1 product
- Adrian Hill1 product
- Aeschylus3 products
- Agatha Christie6 products
- Agnes Danforth Hewes. Illustrated by Lynd Ward1 product
- Agnes Smedley1 product
- Ágota Kristóf. Translated by David Watson1 product
- Agrippina Vaganova1 product
- Aileen O'Bryan1 product
- Ajit Mookerjee1 product
- Akira Isihara1 product
- Aladdin Company1 product
- Alan E. Cober. New Introduction by Leslie Cober-Gentry1 product
- Alan W. Hirshfeld1 product
- Albert Churchward1 product
- Albert E. Waugh1 product
- Albert Einstein3 products
- Albert Gallatin Mackey1 product
- Albert Kretschmer and Karl Rohrbach1 product
- Albert Messiah1 product
- Albert Parry. With a New Introduction by Paul Buhle1 product
- Albert Shadowitz1 product
- Albert T. Fromhold1 product
- Albert Toft1 product
- Albert Wilansky1 product
- Alberto Bachmann1 product
- Albrecht Dürer2 products
- Aldous Huxley1 product
- Aldren A. Watson1 product
- Alejandro Eduardo Fiadone1 product
- Aleksandar Ivic1 product
- Alessandro Bencini and Dante Gatteschi1 product
- Alex Keller1 product
- Alex W. Bealer1 product
- Alexander Basilevsky1 product
- Alexander Calder1 product
- Alexander Calder. Edited and with an Introduction by James J. Sweeney1 product
- Alexander Carmichael1 product
- Alexander da R. Prista1 product
- Alexander Dobkin1 product
- Alexander Gilchrist1 product
- Alexander Graham3 products
- Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay1 product
- Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay1 product
- Alexander Hamilton. Edited by John Grafton1 product
- Alexander Herrmann1 product
- Alexander L. Fetter and John Dirk Walecka2 products
- Alexander O. Exquemelin1 product
- Alexander Pope1 product
- Alexander Porteous1 product
- Alexander Pushkin1 product
- Alexander Pushkin. Translated by Babette Deutsch1 product
- Alexander Schmidt2 products
- Alexander Scriabin3 products
- Alexander Speltz1 product
- Alexander William Kinglake1 product
- Alexandra David-Neel1 product
- Alexandre Dumas4 products
- Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by Henry Reeve. Edited by Francis Bowen1 product
- Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by John Bonner1 product
- Alexis Soyer1 product
- Alfred C. Bossom1 product
- Alfred C. Gilbert1 product
- Alfred Cortot1 product
- Alfred Fairbank1 product
- Alfred Hutton3 products
- Alfred Jarry1 product
- Alfred Jules Ayer1 product
- Alfred Mann1 product
- Alfred North Whitehead3 products
- Alfred Perceval Graves1 product
- Alfred Russel Wallace1 product
- Alfred S. Posamentier and Charles T. Salkind2 products
- Alfred S. Posamentier and Robert L. Bannister1 product
- Alfred Stieglitz1 product
- Alfred Suzanne and Charles Herman Senn1 product
- Alfred Tarski1 product
- Alfred Wegener1 product
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson1 product
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Edited by W. J. Rolfe1 product
- Alfredo Alcala, Heidi MacDonald, and Phillip Dana Yeh. Introductions by Gil Kane and Roy Thomas1 product
- Algernon Blackwood1 product
- Ali Dowlatshahi1 product
- Alice Ambrose and Morris Lazerowitz1 product
- Alice Cooke Brown1 product
- Alice Hörnecke, Dominik Meißner, and Sabine Seyffert1 product
- Alice Medrich1 product
- Alice Moore Dunbar1 product
- Alice Morse Earle3 products
- Alida Sims Malkus. Illustrated by Leonard Vosburgh1 product
- Aline Bernstein1 product
- Alison Gernsheim1 product
- Alison Stilwell Cameron1 product
- Allan and Paulette Macfarlan2 products
- Allan Clark1 product
- Allen A. Goldstein1 product
- Allen French1 product
- Allen G. Debus1 product
- Allyne S. Holland1 product
- Aloha Baker1 product
- Alois Senefelder1 product
- Alon Bement1 product
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- Alston S. Householder1 product
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- Alvin Silverstein2 products
- Amanda Evanston Freund1 product
- Amatzia Avni1 product
- Ambroise Vollard1 product
- Ambrose Bierce5 products
- Ambrose Bierce. With a New Introduction by Paul Dickson1 product
- Amelia Simmons1 product
- Amnon Yariv1 product
- Amol Sasane2 products
- Amor Fenn1 product
- Amy Bell1 product
- Amy Fay. Introduction by Frances Dillon1 product
- Ana Gabriela Pico Villalpando1 product
- Ananda K. Coomaraswamy and Sister Nivedita1 product
- Anatol Rapoport2 products
- Anatole France3 products
- Anders S. Lunde1 product
- Anders Zorn. Foreword by James Gurney1 product
- André L. Yandl and Adam Bowers1 product
- Andrea Palladio1 product
- Andrea Rothbart1 product
- Andreas Pflüger. Translated by Astrid Freuler1 product
- Andreas Pflüger. Translated by Shaun Whiteside1 product
- Andrew Carnegie1 product
- Andrew H. Jazwinski1 product
- Andrew H. Wallace3 products
- Andrew J. Downing1 product
- Andrew J. Viterbi1 product
- Andrew Jackson Downing1 product
- Andrew Lang15 products
- Andrew Lang. Illustrated by H. J. Ford1 product
- Andrew Marvell1 product
- Andrew Neher1 product
- Andrew Wohlgemuth1 product
- Andy Adams1 product
- Angelo S. Rappoport1 product
- Angus Armitage1 product
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- Ann Hisle1 product
- Ann Patrick Green3 products
- Ann Radcliffe1 product
- Ann V. Winterbotham1 product
- Anna Croyle2 products
- Anna Julia Cooper. Introduction by Janet Neary1 product
- Anna Katharine Green1 product
- Anna Sewell1 product
- Anna Starobinets. Translated by Jane Bugaeva. Illustrated by Marie Muravski4 products
- Anna Zilboorg1 product
- Anne Bradstreet1 product
- Anne Brontë2 products
- Anne Catherine Emmerich1 product
- Anne Orr2 products
- Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater1 product
- Annie L. Burton and Others1 product
- Annika Sauerborn1 product
- Anonymous3 products
- Anonymous. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Anonymous. Translated by R. H. Charles1 product
- Anson K. Cross1 product
- Anthony Gilbert1 product
- Anthony Hope1 product
- Anthony J. Pettofrezzo3 products
- Anthony Slide1 product
- Anthony Toney1 product
- Anthony Trollope5 products
- Antoine Lavoisier1 product
- Antoine-Henri, Baron de Jomini. Translated by Capt. G. H. Mendell and Lt. W. P. Craighill1 product
- Antoinette K. Gordon1 product
- Anton Chekhov9 products
- Anton Chekhov, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky, and Ivan Turgenev1 product
- Anton Chekhov. Translated and Adapted by Alex Szogyi1 product
- Anton Rubinstein1 product
- Anton Seder1 product
- Antoni A. Kosinski1 product
- Antonin Dvorák2 products
- Antonio Machado. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Antonio Pigafetta1 product
- Antonio Vivaldi1 product
- Anzia Yezierska1 product
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- Apicius1 product
- Apsley Cherry-Garrard1 product
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- Archimedes. Edited by Sir Thomas L. Heath1 product
- Ardern Holt1 product
- Argentina Palacios1 product
- Aristophanes1 product
- Aristotle5 products
- Aristotle. Translated by John H. McMahon1 product
- Aristotle. Translated by W. Rhys Roberts1 product
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- Arne Broman1 product
- Arne Dehli1 product
- Arnold Bennett2 products
- Arnold Genthe and John Kuo Wei Tchen1 product
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- Arnold Lyongrün1 product
- Arnold Lyongrün and M. J. Gradl1 product
- Arranged with Tablature by David Nadal1 product
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- Arthur C. Parker1 product
- Arthur Charles Fox-Davies1 product
- Arthur Conan Doyle4 products
- Arthur Erdelyi1 product
- Arthur F. Raper1 product
- Arthur Friedheim. Edited by Theodore L. Bullock1 product
- Arthur Good. Translated by Camden Curwen and Robert Waters1 product
- Arthur H. Benade1 product
- Arthur H. Buckley1 product
- Arthur H. Hayward1 product
- Arthur Harmount Graves1 product
- Arthur L. Blakeslee1 product
- Arthur L. Guptill2 products
- Arthur Loesser. With a New Foreword by Edward Rothstein. Preface by Jacques Barzun1 product
- Arthur M. Hind1 product
- Arthur Machen3 products
- Arthur Miller. Illustrated by Al Parker1 product
- Arthur Morrison. Selected and with an Introduction by E. F. Bleiler1 product
- Arthur Rackham2 products
- Arthur Rackham. Introduction by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch1 product
- Arthur Rackham. Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges1 product
- Arthur Ransome2 products
- Arthur Rothstein1 product
- Arthur Schopenhauer2 products
- Arthur Schopenhauer. Edited and Translated by T. Bailey Saunders1 product
- Arthur Schopenhauer. Selected and Translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders1 product
- Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated by Arthur Brodrick Bullock1 product
- Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated by T. Bailey Saunders2 products
- Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated, with an Introduction, by Konstantin Kolenda1 product
- Arthur Scott Bailey. With illustrations by Harry L. Smith2 products
- Arthur Stratton1 product
- Arthur T. Lewis and Henry M. Robert1 product
- Arthur Thomson1 product
- Arthur Vernon. Illustrated by Ernest John Donnelly1 product
- Arthur W. Calhoun1 product
- Arthur Wesley Dow1 product
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- Arthur Zaidenberg3 products
- Asataro Miyamori1 product
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- Asvaghosha. Translated by Teitaro Suzuki1 product
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- Attila Szabo and Neil S. Ostlund1 product
- Aubrey Beardsley2 products
- Aubrey Beardsley and Alexander Pope1 product
- Aubrey Beardsley and Oscar Wilde1 product
- Audre Lorde. Foreword by Sonia Sanchez1 product
- August Roterberg1 product
- August Strindberg2 products
- Augusta Huiell Seaman. With the Original Illustrations by C. Clyde Squires1 product
- Auguste Comte1 product
- Auguste Racinet2 products
- Auguste Rodin1 product
- Augusto Pedrini1 product
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- Augustus De Morgan1 product
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- B. H. Arnold1 product
- B. K. Johnson1 product
- B. L. Gildersleeve and G. Lodge1 product
- B. L. Moiseiwitsch3 products
- B. Schweizer and A. Sklar1 product
- Bakewell And Mullins1 product
- Balakirev, Arensky, Rubinstein, Glinka and Others1 product
- Baldassare Castiglione1 product
- Baltasar Gracian. Translated by Joseph Jacobs1 product
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- Bang-Yen Chen1 product
- Barbara Baer Capitman1 product
- Barbara Christopher3 products
- Barbara Jacksier and Ruth Jacksier1 product
- Barbara Paul1 product
- Baroness Orczy4 products
- Baroness Orczy. Introduction by E. F. Bleiler1 product
- Barrett O'Neill1 product
- Barry Commoner. Foreword by Michael Egan1 product
- Barry L. Nelson1 product
- Barry Lunt1 product
- Barry M. McCoy and Tai Tsun Wu1 product
- Barry R. Clarke1 product
- Barry R. Holstein1 product
- Basho and Others (Edited by Asataro Miyamori)1 product
- Basilius Besler1 product
- Beatrix Potter1 product
- Beecher, Catharine E.1 product
- Bela Bollobas1 product
- Ben Jonson1 product
- Benedetto Croce. Translated by R.G. Collingwood1 product
- Benedict de Spinoza2 products
- Benedict de Spinoza. Translated with an Introduction by R. H. M. Elwes1 product
- Benito Mussolini1 product
- Benjamin Bold1 product
- Benjamin Brawley1 product
- Benjamin Chu1 product
- Benjamin Franklin2 products
- Benjamin Franklin and William Penn1 product
- Benjamin Franklin. Edited and with an Introduction by Bob Blaisdell1 product
- Benjamin Harris1 product
- Benjamin N. Cardozo1 product
- Benjamin R. Green1 product
- Bennard B. Perlman1 product
- Berenice Abbott1 product
- Bergerac1 product
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- Bernard H. Lavenda2 products
- Bernard Jaffe1 product
- Bernard Mason1 product
- Bernard R. Gelbaum and John M. H. Olmsted1 product
- Bernard S. Mason1 product
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- Bernice Kastner1 product
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- Bertrand Russell3 products
- Bessie Evans, May G. Evans1 product
- Betty Kreisel Shubert1 product
- Bill Tarr1 product
- Bill W1 product
- Black Hawk1 product
- Blaise Pascal. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Blaise Pascal. Introduction by T. S. Eliot2 products
- Bloomingdale Brothers1 product
- Blumer And Kuhn Stair Co1 product
- Bob Blaisdell2 products
- Boethius. Translated by Richard H. Green1 product
- Bonnie Averbach and Orin Chein1 product
- Booker T. Washington2 products
- Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois and Frederick Douglass1 product
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- Boris A. Kordemsky. Edited by Martin Gardner1 product
- Boris Pritsker1 product
- Borlase Smart1 product
- Borough Johnson2 products
- Bowles And Carver1 product
- Bozena Nemcová. Illustrated by Artus Scheiner1 product
- Bradford Angier1 product
- Bram Stoker3 products
- Braun And Schneider1 product
- Bret Harte1 product
- Brian D. O. Anderson and John B. Moore1 product
- Brian D. O. Anderson and Sumeth Vongpanitlerd1 product
- Brian Doherty1 product
- Brian F. Doolin and Clyde F. Martin1 product
- Brian Kemple1 product
- Brigita Fuhrmann1 product
- Brother Lawrence2 products
- Brothers Grimm1 product
- Brown-Blodgett Company1 product
- Bruce E. Meserve1 product
- Bruce J. Berne and Robert Pecora1 product
- Bruno A. Boley and Jerome H. Weiner1 product
- Bruno Snell1 product
- Bruno Walter. With a Biographical Essay by Ernst Krenek. New Introduction by Erik Ryding1 product
- Bryan Bunch1 product
- Building Age Publishing Corporation1 product
- Burl N. Osburn1 product
- Burne Hogarth1 product
- By Harald Bohr. Translated by Harvey Cohn1 product
- By J. D. Harding1 product
- Byron D. Halsted1 product
- C. B. Griesbach1 product
- C. C. Chang and H. Jerome Keisler1 product
- C. Daly King1 product
- C. E. Springer1 product
- C. G. Jung1 product
- C. G. Lambe and C. J. Tranter1 product
- C. H. Edwards, Jr1 product
- C. H. Townes and A. L. Schawlow1 product
- C. Maturin1 product
- C. R. Heathcote1 product
- C. R. Wylie, Jr1 product
- C. V. Boys1 product
- C. V. Durell and A. Robson1 product
- C. Willett Cunnington2 products
- C. Zwikker1 product
- Camille Bonnard1 product
- Camille P. Dadant1 product
- Camille Saint-Saëns1 product
- Captain Theodore Canot1 product
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- Carl Bridenbaugh1 product
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- Carl E. Seashore1 product
- Carl F. Schmidt1 product
- Carl Holliday1 product
- Carl Kohler1 product
- Carl Maria von Weber1 product
- Carl P. Russell1 product
- Carl Sandburg2 products
- Carl Sandburg. Illustrated by Harriet Pincus1 product
- Carl von Clausewitz2 products
- Carlo Collodi. Translated by Sidney G. Firman1 product
- Carol Belanger Grafton13 products
- Carol Kroll1 product
- Caroline A. F. Rhys Davids1 product
- Caroline Joy Adams1 product
- Carolyn G. Bradley1 product
- Carolyn Relei3 products
- Carolyn S. Hodgman and W. F. Stecher1 product
- Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler1 product
- Carson Flammer1 product
- Carter G. Woodson2 products
- Carter Godwin Woodson1 product
- Carter Houck1 product
- Caspar Luyken1 product
- Catharine Maria Sedgwick1 product
- Catherine Cate Coblentz. Illustrated by Janice Holland1 product
- Catherine Louisa Pirkis. Introduction by Michele Slung1 product
- Cecil B. Hartley1 product
- Cecil Forsyth2 products
- Cedric Thorpe Davie1 product
- Cedric W. Windas1 product
- Celeste Plowden1 product
- Celia Fremlin2 products
- Cennino d'Andrea Cennini1 product
- Chanh Ngoc Truong, Francesco Frangioja, and Enrico Lavagno1 product
- Charlene Tarbox2 products
- Charles A. Beard2 products
- Charles A. Beard. Foreword by Clyde W. Barrow1 product
- Charles A. Eastman3 products
- Charles A. Eastman and Elaine Goodale Eastman1 product
- Charles Alexander Eastman (Ohiyesa)2 products
- Charles and Mary Lamb1 product
- Charles B. MacDonald1 product
- Charles Babbage. Edited and with an Introduction by Philip Morrison and Emily Morrison1 product
- Charles Ball1 product
- Charles Baudelaire1 product
- Charles Baudelaire. Translated and Edited by Lois and Francis E. Hyslop, Jr1 product
- Charles Baudelaire. Translated by Wallace Fowlie1 product
- Charles Beiderman and William Johnston1 product
- Charles Boardman Hawes1 product
- Charles Bouleau. With a Preface by Jacques Villon1 product
- Charles Brockden Brown. Introduction by John Matteson1 product
- Charles C. Pinter1 product
- Charles Cahier and Arthur Martin1 product
- Charles D. Maginnis1 product
- Charles Dana Gibson2 products
- Charles Darwin2 products
- Charles Darwin. Edited by Francis Darwin1 product
- Charles Derriey1 product
- Charles Dickens26 products
- Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins1 product
- Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham1 product
- Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Louis Slobodkin1 product
- Charles Earl Bradbury1 product
- Charles Edward Chapel1 product
- Charles F. Haanel1 product
- Charles F. McGlashan1 product
- Charles Fillmore2 products
- Charles Fort1 product
- Charles Francis Saunders1 product
- Charles G. Cullen1 product
- Charles G. Davis3 products
- Charles G. Leland1 product
- Charles Herach Papas1 product
- Charles J. Finger. Illustrated by Paul Honoré1 product
- Charles Johnston1 product
- Charles Kingsley1 product
- Charles Kingsley. With Color Illustrations by Warwick Goble1 product
- Charles Kittel1 product
- Charles Knight1 product
- Charles L. Eastlake1 product
- Charles Liedl1 product
- Charles Lockwood1 product
- Charles M. Sheldon1 product
- Charles Mackay1 product
- Charles Marshall Sayers1 product
- Charles Nash1 product
- Charles Oliver1 product
- Charles Perrault and Gustave Doré1 product
- Charles Perrault. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Charles R. MacCluer2 products
- Charles S. Johnson and Lee G. Pedersen1 product
- Charles S. Peirce. Edited by Philip P. Wiener1 product
- Charles S. Peirce. Selected and Edited by Justus Buchler1 product
- Charles Self1 product
- Charles Singer1 product
- Charles Squire1 product
- Charles Turzak. Edited and with an Introduction and Captions by Bob Blaisdell. Preface by David A. Beronä1 product
- Charles Vivian1 product
- Charles W. Chesnutt4 products
- Charles W. Hawthorne1 product
- Charles W. Upham1 product
- Charles Webster1 product
- Charles X. Carlson1 product
- Charles-François Daubigny and Others1 product
- Charlotte Brontë4 products
- Charlotte Erichsen-Brown1 product
- Charlotte Perkins (Stetson) Gilman1 product
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman2 products
- Chester Anderson. Foreword by Peter S. Beagle1 product
- Chicago Tribune1 product
- Chih-Wen Chen1 product
- Childe Hassam. Selected by Joseph S. Czestochowski1 product
- Choderlos de Laclos1 product
- Chrétien de Troyes. Translated by W. Wistar Comfort1 product
- Chris H. Groneman1 product
- Chris Kohler1 product
- Chris Whitaker1 product
- Christian Bouquegneau and Vladimir Rakov1 product
- Christian D. Larson1 product
- Christian Stoll1 product
- Christian Stoll Studios1 product
- Christina G. Rossetti1 product
- Christina Rossetti1 product
- Christina Rossetti. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham1 product
- Christine Medley1 product
- Christopher and Dolores Lynn Nyerges1 product
- Christopher Columbus1 product
- Christopher Dresser2 products
- Christopher Marlowe4 products
- Christopher Maslanka. Illustrations by Michael Harrington. Foreword by Iris Murdoch1 product
- Christopher Morley1 product
- Christos H. Papadimitriou1 product
- Chuck Dixon And Gary Kwapisz1 product
- Chuck Thorndike1 product
- Cintia Gonzalez-Pell1 product
- Clara A. Hackett, with Lawrence Galton1 product
- Clara Schumann1 product
- Clarence Cook1 product
- Clarence G. Hamilton1 product
- Clarence Hornung1 product
- Clark B. Millikan1 product
- Clark Wissler1 product
- Claude Bragdon. Introduction by Joan Shelley Rubin and A. Joan Saab1 product
- Claude C. Albritton, Jr1 product
- Claude C. Hopkins1 product
- Claude Chevalley1 product
- Claude Debussy5 products
- Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel1 product
- Claude Itzykson and Jean-Bernard Zuber1 product
- Claude M. Bristol1 product
- Claude McKay2 products
- Clayton W. Dodge1 product
- Clement C. Moore and Margaret Evans Price1 product
- Clement Meadmore1 product
- Clement V. Durell1 product
- Cliff Young1 product
- Clifford A. Pickover1 product
- Clifford A. Shaffer2 products
- Clifford Truesdell1 product
- Co Spinhoven2 products
- Colen Campbell1 product
- Coles Phillips. Introduction by Scott M. Fischer. Edited by Jeff A. Menges1 product
- Colette. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Colette. Translated, with an Introduction, by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Collected with Introduction and Notes by Richard M. Dorson1 product
- Colonel Frank A. Haskell1 product
- Colonel Harry G. Summers, Jr1 product
- Come-Packt Furniture Co1 product
- Compiled and Edited by Bodewalt Lampe. New Introduction by Stephanie Chase1 product
- Compiled by Anderson M. Baten1 product
- Compiled by Captain Robert E. Lee1 product
- Compiled by Floyd Clymer. With a New Introduction by Paul Dickson1 product
- Compiled by James Daley1 product
- Compiled by John Grafton1 product
- Compiled by St. John D. Seymour and Harry L. Neligan1 product
- Confucius1 product
- Confucius. Translated by James Legge1 product
- Connie Clough Eaton1 product
- Connie Eaton1 product
- Constance McLaughlin Green and Milton Lomask1 product
- Constantine A. Belash1 product
- Cornelia Meigs2 products
- Cornelius Agrippa1 product
- Cornelius Lanczos1 product
- Cotton Mather1 product
- Countee Cullen1 product
- Courtney G. Brooks, James M. Grimwood, and Loyd S. Swenson, Jr1 product
- Craig F. Bohren1 product
- Crispin van de Pass1 product
- Curt Sachs1 product
- Cuthbert Girdlestone. New Introduction by Philip Gossett1 product
- Cuthbert Girdlestone. New Introduction by Sara Davis Buechner1 product
- Cyril W. Beaumont and Stanislas Idzikowski1 product
- D. Alan Stevenson1 product
- D. C. Beard1 product
- D. E. Littlewood1 product
- D. E. Newland1 product
- D. E. Rutherford1 product
- D. F. Lawden2 products
- D. H. Griffel1 product
- D. H. Lawrence7 products
- D. H. Lawrence. Edited by Bob Blaisdell1 product
- D. J. Thouless1 product
- D. K. C. MacDonald2 products
- D. M. Y. Sommerville1 product
- D. O. Shklarsky1 product
- D. P. Craig and T. Thirunamachandran1 product
- D. R. Bland1 product
- D. W. Sciama1 product
- D.E. Newland1 product
- Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki1 product
- Dale Carnegie and J. B. Esenwein1 product
- Dan Pedoe2 products
- Dan X. Solo6 products
- Daniel Beard4 products
- Daniel Beard and Bellmore H. Browne1 product
- Daniel Boone and Francis Lister Hawks1 product
- Daniel Burleigh Parkhurst1 product
- Daniel Defoe7 products
- Daniel E. Rosner1 product
- Daniel Edwin Rutherford1 product
- Daniel J. Velleman1 product
- Daniel King1 product
- Daniel O’Connor. Illustrated by Alice B. Woodward. Based on the Story by J. M. Barrie1 product
- Daniel Pinkwater1 product
- Daniel Sheets Dye1 product
- Daniel Solow1 product
- Daniel T. Finkbeiner II1 product
- Daniel V. Thompson1 product
- Daniel V. Thompson, Jr1 product
- Dante Alighieri3 products
- Dante Alighieri. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Dante Alighieri. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1 product
- Dante Alighieri. Translated and with notes by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1 product
- Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1 product
- Dante. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Darcy Lever1 product
- David A. Sánchez1 product
- David A. Sprecher1 product
- David B. Beard and George B. Beard1 product
- David B. Gauld1 product
- David B. MacNeil1 product
- David Bakan1 product
- David Bohm1 product
- David Bronstein1 product
- David Colton1 product
- David Cory. Illustrated by H. S. Barbour2 products
- David Cory. Illustrated by Maurice Day1 product
- David Diringer1 product
- David Dutkanicz6 products
- David Eggenberger1 product
- David Eugene Smith1 product
- David Eugene Smith and Louis Charles Karpinski1 product
- David Eugene Smith and Yoshio Mikami1 product
- David Garnett. With Wood Engravings by R. A. Garnett1 product
- David Hahn. New Foreword by Jeff Parker1 product
- David Hoffmann1 product
- David Hume3 products
- David J. Peery1 product
- David J. Under1 product
- David J. Winter1 product
- David L. Goodstein2 products
- David Lovelock and Hanno Rund1 product
- David Lowe1 product
- David M. Bishop1 product
- David M. Gates1 product
- David M. Young1 product
- David Park1 product
- David Ricardo1 product
- David S. Kahn3 products
- David S. Saxon. New Introduction by Joseph A. Rudnick and Robert Finkelstein1 product
- David S. Touretzky1 product
- David Shepherd. Illustrated by William K. Plummer1 product
- David V. Erdman1 product
- David V. Widder1 product
- David Wells1 product
- Dawn McMillan, Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird1 product
- Dawn McMillan. Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird9 products
- De Lacy O'Leary1 product
- Deane Montgomery and Leo Zippin1 product
- Deberny Type Foundry1 product
- Denis Diderot1 product
- Dennis Sentilles1 product
- Dennis Shasha1 product
- Denonvilliers Co1 product
- Derek Pell1 product
- Desiderius Erasmus1 product
- Diana Stanley1 product
- Dick Hess1 product
- Dickinson, Emily (Edited by Mabel Loomis Todd)1 product
- Diego de Landa1 product
- Diego Rivera with Gladys March1 product
- Dimitri Mihalas and Barbara Weibel Mihalas1 product
- Dionysius the Areopagite. Translated by C. R. Rolt1 product
- Dirk J. Struik3 products
- Dixie Haywood1 product
- Djuna Barnes. Edited and with an Introduction by Katharine Maller1 product
- Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. Selected and edited by William B. Jensen1 product
- Dom Cuthbert Butler1 product
- Domenico Scarlatti1 product
- Don C. Seitz1 product
- Don Carpenter1 product
- Don Freeman1 product
- Don Freeman. Foreword by Todd DePastino1 product
- Donald A. Mackenzie and John Green1 product
- Donald A. Pierre1 product
- Donald E. Kirk1 product
- Donald E. Sands1 product
- Donald Francis Tovey3 products
- Donald H. Menzel2 products
- Donald Hoffmann3 products
- Donald M. Davis1 product
- Donald Maxwell. Foreword by Sonja Rozman and Gašper Habjanic1 product
- Donald S. Passman2 products
- Donald T. Greenwood1 product
- Donald W. Hight1 product
- Donald W. Kahn1 product
- Dora Miriam Norton1 product
- Doris Campbell Preston1 product
- Doris Southard1 product
- Dorothea Barlowe and Sy Barlowe1 product
- Dorothy Canfield Fisher1 product
- Dorothy Childs Hogner. Illustrated by Nils Hogner1 product
- Dorothy Hartley1 product
- Dorothy L. Sayers2 products
- Dorothy Parker2 products
- Dorothy S. Sides1 product
- Dorothy Wright1 product
- Dorr Bothwell and Marlys Mayfield1 product
- Doug Chiang and Orson Scott Card. Preface by Gareth Edwards1 product
- Douglas Q. Adams1 product
- Douglas R. Graves1 product
- Dover30 products
- Dover Publications, Inc2 products
- Dow, George Francis1 product
- Dr. "Bugs" Bower and Keith O’Quinn1 product
- Dr. C. C. Miller1 product
- Dr. Dana Marrocco1 product
- Dr. Georg Stehli1 product
- Dr. Russell A. Langley1 product
- Dr. S. Tartakower and J. du Mont1 product
- Dr. Saul I. Gass1 product
- Dragoslav D. Siljak1 product
- Dudley H. Towne1 product
- Duncan MacDonald and Robb Sagendorph1 product
- Dunham Jackson1 product
- E. A. Abbott1 product
- E. A. Burtt1 product
- E. A. Seguy1 product
- E. A. Wallis Budge16 products
- E. A. Wyke-Smith1 product
- E. Allison Peers1 product
- E. Atlee Jackson1 product
- E. B. Dynkin1 product
- E. B. Dynkin and V. A. Uspenskii1 product
- E. Barrie Kavasch1 product
- E. Boyd Smith1 product
- E. Bright Wilson, Jr1 product
- E. Bright Wilson, Jr., J. C. Decius and Paul C. Cross1 product
- E. C. Krupp1 product
- E. C. Titchmarsh1 product
- E. C. Zachmanoglou and Dale W. Thoe1 product
- e. e. cummings2 products
- E. F. Bleiler1 product
- E. H. Raskin1 product
- E. J. Gumbel1 product
- E. J. Tangerman2 products
- E. K. Rossiter and F. A. Wright1 product
- E. Keble Chatterton1 product
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- E. Norman Gardiner1 product
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- E. Phillips Oppenheim1 product
- E. R. Eddison1 product
- E. Robert Schmitz1 product
- E. T. A. Hoffmann4 products
- E. T. Bell1 product
- E. W. Hornung1 product
- E. W. Stillwell And Company1 product
- E.A. Wallis Budge2 products
- E.M. Forster1 product
- Eadweard Muybridge1 product
- Earl A. Coddington1 product
- Ed and Deb Shapiro. Foreword by Professor Robert Thurman1 product
- Ed Sibbett3 products
- Ed Sibbett, Jr2 products
- Eden Phillpotts1 product
- Edgar A. Kraut1 product
- Edgar A. Whitney1 product
- Edgar Allan Poe7 products
- Edgar Allan Poe. With Illustrations by W. Heath Robinson1 product
- Edgar Degas1 product
- Edgar Dehn1 product
- Edgar Lee Masters1 product
- Edgar Rice Burroughs2 products
- Edited and Illustrated by W. W. Denslow1 product
- Edited and Pictured by "Just Right" Authors and Artists1 product
- Edited and translated by Eugenio Florit1 product
- Edited and Translated by Garma C. C. Chang. Introduction by John C. Wilson1 product
- Edited and Translated by Gustave Mathieu and Guy Stern1 product
- Edited and translated by Luciano Rebay1 product
- Edited and Translated by Robert A. Hall1 product
- Edited and Translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers1 product
- Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum12 products
- Edited and with a Preface by Mike Ashley1 product
- Edited and with an Introduction by JoAnne Olian1 product
- Edited and with an Introduction by Mike Ashley1 product
- Edited and with supplementary materials by Bob Blaisdell1 product
- Edited by Adolphe Armand Braun1 product
- Edited by Alain Locke. Illustrated by Winold Reiss1 product
- Edited by Alan E. Bessette and William K. Chapman1 product
- Edited by Alison Mager1 product
- Edited by Allan A. Macfarlan1 product
- Edited by Andrew Lang1 product
- Edited by Angel Flores2 products
- Edited by Ann Braybrooks2 products
- Edited by Anton Seder1 product
- Edited by Arthur Eli Monroe1 product
- Edited by Arthur N. Milgram1 product
- Edited by Benjamin Drew1 product
- Edited by Bergerac1 product
- Edited by Bernard Wells Close1 product
- Edited by Bill Bradfield3 products
- Edited by Blanche Cirker2 products
- Edited by Bob Blaisdell33 products
- Edited by Brian Swann1 product
- Edited by Brian W. Aldiss and Harry Harrison1 product
- Edited by Candace Ward3 products
- Edited by Carl Parrish1 product
- Edited by Carl Parrish and John F. Ohl1 product
- Edited by Carol Belanger Grafton21 products
- Edited by Carter G. Woodson. Introduction by Bob Blaisdell1 product
- Edited by Charles Philip Fox1 product
- Edited by Charles S. Brant1 product
- Edited by Charles S. Keefe1 product
- Edited by Charles W. Jones1 product
- Edited by Chen Yan1 product
- Edited by Christine Rudisel and Bob Blaisdell1 product
- Edited by Clarence C. Strowbridge3 products
- Edited by Clarence Poe1 product
- Edited by Cyril M. Harris1 product
- Edited by D. ter Haar1 product
- Edited by Dan X. Solo1 product
- Edited by David A. Jasen1 product
- Edited by David Dutkanicz2 products
- Edited by Don C. Seitz1 product
- Edited by Donald H. Menzel1 product
- Edited by Doris Rosenthal1 product
- Edited by Douglas G. Greene2 products
- Edited by Drew Ford. Introduction by Harlan Ellison1 product
- Edited by E. F. Bleiler1 product
- Edited by Edwin F. Beckenbach. With an Introduction by Magnus R. Hestenes1 product
- Edited by Edwin F. Beckenbach. With an Introduction by Royal Weller1 product
- Edited by Edwin Valentine Mitchell1 product
- Edited by Elsie Clews Parsons1 product
- Edited by Ernst Günther1 product
- Edited by Eugène Rouyer1 product
- Edited by Evan Bates5 products
- Edited by Evelyn Underhill1 product
- Edited by Ezra Strong1 product
- Edited by F. Contet1 product
- Edited by Faubion Bowers1 product
- Edited by Flora Klickmann1 product
- Edited by Francis James Child5 products
- Edited by Frank Harary1 product
- Edited by Frank J. Swetz1 product
- Edited by Frederick Drimmer1 product
- Edited by Fridolf Johnson1 product
- Edited by Friedrich Deneken1 product
- Edited by Friedrich Kerst and Henry Krehbiel1 product
- Edited by G. P. Fedotov1 product
- Edited by Gajus Scheltema and Heleen Westerhuijs. Introduction by Russell Shorto1 product
- Edited by George A. Martin1 product
- Edited by George B. Bridgman1 product
- Edited by George Lincoln Burr1 product
- Edited by George W. Cronyn1 product
- Edited by Gleb Struve1 product
- Edited by Glen E. Swanson. Introduction to the Dover edition by Paul Dickson1 product
- Edited by Gustav Stickley1 product
- Edited by H. Dolmetsch1 product
- Edited by Harry Steinhauer1 product
- Edited by Hayward and Blanche Cirker1 product
- Edited by Helmuth Theodor Bossert1 product
- Edited by Henri Rapin1 product
- Edited by Henry E. Krehbiel. New Introduction by Roelof Oostwoud1 product
- Edited by Henry R. Schoolcraft1 product
- Edited by Herb Galewitz6 products
- Edited by Hugh Lamb2 products
- Edited by J. Fuller Maitland and W. B. Squire1 product
- Edited by J. G. Heck2 products
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- Edited by Jack Winocour1 product
- Edited by James Daley12 products
- Edited by James Spero2 products
- Edited by Jay Henry Mowbray1 product
- Edited by Jean Hugard1 product
- Edited by Jess Nevins1 product
- Edited by Jim Harter3 products
- Edited by Joan R. Sherman1 product
- Edited by Joan W. Gandy and Thomas H. Gandy1 product
- Edited by JoAnne Olian2 products
- Edited by John A. Lomax and Alan Lomax1 product
- Edited by John Grafton4 products
- Edited by Joslyn Pine4 products
- Edited by Kristina Harris2 products
- Edited by L. Francois1 product
- Edited by Leslie Cabarga2 products
- Edited by Lester V. Berrey1 product
- Edited by Lewis Copeland, Lawrence W. Lamm, and Stephen J. McKenna1 product
- Edited by Logan Marshall1 product
- Edited by Lucien Vogel1 product
- Edited by Luis Labarta1 product
- Edited by M. P. Verneuil2 products
- Edited by Madison C. Peters1 product
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- Edited by Maria Naylor1 product
- Edited by Marshall Everett1 product
- Edited by Martin Gardner1 product
- Edited by Mary Carolyn Waldrep6 products
- Edited by Michael Croland3 products
- Edited by Mike Ashley1 product
- Edited by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun1 product
- Edited by Molly Hand1 product
- Edited by Montague Summers1 product
- Edited by Morris H. Shamos1 product
- Edited by Natalie Curtis1 product
- Edited by Nelson Wax1 product
- Edited by Noah Greenberg1 product
- Edited by Nora Rawn and John Grafton1 product
- Edited by Norman R. Yetman1 product
- Edited by NZ Kay1 product
- Edited by Otto Hoever1 product
- Edited by Patricia A. Deuster1 product
- Edited by Paul de Jaegher. Translated by Donald Attwater and Others1 product
- Edited by Paul Dickson1 product
- Edited by Paul N. Hasluck2 products
- Edited by Paul Negri12 products
- Edited by Paul Negri and The American Poetry And Literacy Project1 product
- Edited by Perry Miller and Thomas H. Johnson1 product
- Edited by Peter A. Jansson1 product
- Edited by Philip Smith3 products
- Edited by Prisse d'Avennes1 product
- Edited by R. Beauclair and M. J. Gradl1 product
- Edited by R. L. Leonard and C. A. Glassgold1 product
- Edited by René Beauclair1 product
- Edited by Richard Bellman and Robert Kalaba1 product
- Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard1 product
- Edited by Rita Weiss1 product
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- Edited by Rochelle Kronzek2 products
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- Edited by Rudolf Berliner1 product
- Edited by Rudolph Ackermann1 product
- Edited by S. T. Joshi2 products
- Edited by Shane Weller3 products
- Edited by Stanley Appelbaum5 products
- Edited by Stanley Appelbaum and James Camner1 product
- Edited by Stella Blum2 products
- Edited by Susan L. Rattiner3 products
- Edited by The American Poetry And Literacy Project2 products
- Edited by the American Poetry and Literacy Project and the Academy of American Poets. With a Foreword by U.S. Poet Laureate, Laurence "Ted" Kooser1 product
- Edited by Theodore Dwight Weld1 product
- Edited by Theodore Menten1 product
- Edited by Thérèse de Dillmont1 product
- Edited by Thomas Crofts1 product
- Edited by Wallace Fowlie2 products
- Edited by William C. Dampier and Margaret Dampier1 product
- Edited by William Hone. Translated by Jeremiah Jones and William Wake1 product
- Edited by Zelia Nuttall1 product
- Edited with a Foreword by Jeff A. Menges1 product
- Edited with an Introduction by Nick Mamatas1 product
- Edith Diehl1 product
- Edith Summers Kelley1 product
- Edith Wharton9 products
- Edith Wharton. Introduction by Roxana Robinson1 product
- Edith Young1 product
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- Edmond Rostand1 product
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- Edward B. McLeod, Jr1 product
- Edward B. Watson and Edmund V. Gillon1 product
- Edward Bellamy1 product
- Edward Burnett Tylor2 products
- Edward Clinton Ezell and Linda Neuman Ezell1 product
- Edward Clinton Ezell and Linda Neuman Ezell; Introduction by Paul Dickson1 product
- Edward Conze2 products
- Edward Elgar2 products
- Edward F. Worst1 product
- Edward FitzGerald1 product
- Edward G. Harris1 product
- Edward Heron-Allen1 product
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- Edward Johnston1 product
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- Edward Knobel1 product
- Edward L. Bernays1 product
- Edward Lasker2 products
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- Edward Lucas White. Edited and Introduced by S. T. Joshi1 product
- Edward MacDowell1 product
- Edward McCurdy1 product
- Edward McLachlan1 product
- Edward Moor1 product
- Edward Morris Opler1 product
- Edward R. Scheinerman1 product
- Edward R. Scheinerman and Daniel H. Ullman1 product
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- Élie Cartan1 product
- Elijah Bemiss1 product
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- Elisabeth Duquesne Van Gogh. Translated by Katherine S. Dreier1 product
- Eliza Leslie1 product
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning1 product
- Elizabeth Bowen1 product
- Elizabeth Gaskell4 products
- Elizabeth Geddes and Moyra McNeill1 product
- Elizabeth Gordon. Drawings by M. T. Ross2 products
- Elizabeth Gordon. Illustrated by M. T. (Penny) Ross1 product
- Elizabeth Gordon. Illustrations by M. T. Ross1 product
- Elizabeth Hawes. Introduction by Alice Gregory1 product
- Elizabeth Keckley1 product
- Elizabeth Leese1 product
- Elizabeth Moad1 product
- Elizabeth S. Hayes1 product
- Elizabeth von Arnim2 products
- Elizabeth Zimmermann1 product
- Ella Cheever Thayer1 product
- Ella Young. Illustrated by Maud Gonne1 product
- Ellen Sander1 product
- Elliot Paul2 products
- Elliott Chaze1 product
- Ellis Stanyon1 product
- Elma Waltner1 product
- Elsie Clews Parsons1 product
- Elsie de Wolfe1 product
- Elyse Mach1 product
- Emanuel Lasker1 product
- Emanuel Parzen1 product
- Emerson Hough1 product
- Emil Artin1 product
- Emil Artin. Translated by Michael Butler1 product
- Emil F. Kronquist1 product
- Emile Durkheim1 product
- Émile Durkheim. Translated by Joseph Ward Swain1 product
- Emile Gaboriau1 product
- Emile Mâle1 product
- Emile Zola1 product
- Emile Zola. Translated by Havelock Ellis1 product
- Emilio Segrè2 products
- Emily Brontë2 products
- Emily Dickinson1 product
- Emily Neville. Illustrated by Emil Weiss1 product
- Emily Riehl1 product
- Emily Ruete1 product
- Emma Gelders Sterne1 product
- Emma Goldman3 products
- Enid Bagnold2 products
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- Enrico Fermi1 product
- Enrique Granados1 product
- Epictetus3 products
- Epictetus. Translated by George Long2 products
- Epicurus, Edited and Translated by George K. Strodach1 product
- Erhan Cinlar1 product
- Erhard Klepper1 product
- Eric Frank Russell1 product
- Eric Maisel, PhD3 products
- Eric Maisel, PhD with Natalya Maisel1 product
- Eric Maisel, PhD. Illustrated by Danny Gregory1 product
- Eric North1 product
- Eric Shanower1 product
- Eric Sherbrooke Walker, writing as James Barbican1 product
- Eric Sloane1 product
- Eric Temple Bell1 product
- Eric V. Denardo1 product
- Eric Wen1 product
- Erik Satie1 product
- Erika Mann. Introduction by Thomas Mann1 product
- Erin Meads1 product
- Ernest A. Payne1 product
- Ernest Binz, Jedrzej Sniatycki and Hans Fischer1 product
- Ernest Bramah. Selected and with an Introduction by E. F. Bleiler1 product
- Ernest Flagg1 product
- Ernest Hemingway5 products
- Ernest Holmes1 product
- Ernest J. Eitel1 product
- Ernest N. Doring. With a New Introduction by Stewart Pollens1 product
- Ernest Newman. With an Introduction by Walter Legge1 product
- Ernest R. Norling1 product
- Ernest Rhys. Illustrated by Herbert Cole1 product
- Ernest Seton-Thompson2 products
- Ernest Thompson Seton2 products
- Ernest W. Watson1 product
- Ernest W. Watson and Aldren A. Watson1 product
- Ernest Weekley2 products
- Ernst A. Guillemin1 product
- Ernst and Johanna Lehner1 product
- Ernst Bacon. New Introduction by Sara Davis Buechner1 product
- Ernst Cassirer1 product
- Ernst Haeckel1 product
- Ernst Lehner1 product
- Ernst Mach1 product
- Ernst Rettelbusch1 product
- Erskine Childers1 product
- Erwin Kreyszig1 product
- Erwin Schrödinger1 product
- Esther Forbes1 product
- Ethan Allen. With an Introductory Note by John Pell. Illustrations by Will Crawford1 product
- Ethan D. Bolker1 product
- Ethel B. Power1 product
- Euclid1 product
- Euclid. Edited by Thomas L. Heath2 products
- Eugene A. Znosko-Borovsky1 product
- Eugene F. Krause1 product
- Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr., and Asterie Baker Provenzo1 product
- Eugene Feenberg and George Edward Pake1 product
- Eugene Isaacson and Herbert Bishop Keller1 product
- Eugene L. Conrotto1 product
- Eugene Lawler1 product
- Eugene O'Neill1 product
- Eugene P. Northrop. Introduction by Daniel S. Silver1 product
- Eugene Znosko-Borovsky3 products
- Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc1 product
- Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc and Maurice Ouradou1 product
- Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. Translated by Benjamin Bucknall1 product
- Euripides3 products
- Eva Greene Fuller1 product
- Evelyn Underhill1 product
- Evelyne Johnson1 product
- Ezra Pound1 product
- F. A. Ficken1 product
- F. B. Heald1 product
- F. B. Hildebrand1 product
- F. G. Tricomi1 product
- F. G.Tricomi1 product
- F. H. King1 product
- F. Hadland Davis1 product
- F. J. Camm1 product
- F. Knight1 product
- F. Kottenkamp1 product
- F. Scott Fitzgerald6 products
- F. Sehnaz Bac3 products
- F. T. Arnold1 product
- Fanny Burney1 product
- Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel. Selected and with an Introduction by R. Larry Todd1 product
- Fay Adams. Illustrated by Clara Powers Wilson1 product
- Fay E. Ward1 product
- Fazlollah M. Reza1 product
- Federico García Lorca. Translated and edited by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Federico Vinciolo1 product
- Felicia Liban and Louise Mitchell1 product
- Felicity Morse1 product
- Felipe A. Latorre, Dolores L. Latorre1 product
- Felix Klein1 product
- Felix Klein. Translated by Frances Hardcastle1 product
- Felix Mendelssohn5 products
- Felix Sutton. Illustrated by Laszlo Matulay1 product
- Felix Weingartner1 product
- Fergus Hume1 product
- Ferruccio Busoni1 product
- Fiann Ó Nualláin2 products
- Flavius Josephus1 product
- Fletcher Pratt2 products
- Flinders Petrie1 product
- Florence Hartley2 products
- Florence Holbrook1 product
- Florence Nightingale1 product
- Florence Scovel Shinn2 products
- Florian Cajori1 product
- Ford Madox Ford1 product
- Forest Ray Moulton1 product
- Foreword by Lisa Locascio. Illustrated by Claire Whitmore1 product
- Foreword by Norris J. Chumley, PhD. Translated by Nina A. Toumanova1 product
- Forman S. Acton1 product
- Frances Densmore1 product
- Frances E. W. Harper1 product
- Frances Hodgson Burnett4 products
- Frances Jenkins Olcott1 product
- Frances Trollope1 product
- Francesco Maria Guazzo1 product
- Francis A. Lord1 product
- Francis B. Hildebrand1 product
- Francis Bacon1 product
- Francis Bacon and Tomasso Campanella. Foreword by Gregory Claeys, Ph.D1 product
- Francis Galton1 product
- Francis Griffin Stokes1 product
- Francis Iles1 product
- Francis J. Flanigan1 product
- Francis J. Murray and Kenneth S. Miller1 product
- Francis M. Kelly and Randolph Schwabe1 product
- Francis Parkman1 product
- Francis Stevens. Illustrated by Ric Binkley1 product
- Francis T. Underhill1 product
- Francisco Goya1 product
- Francisco Goya. Introduction by Philip Hofer1 product
- Franciso Goya1 product
- Franco Deboni1 product
- Francois Couperin2 products
- Francois Rabelais1 product
- Francois Treves1 product
- François-Joseph Fétis. New Introduction by Stewart Pollens2 products
- Francois, duc de La Rochefoucauld. Translated by John Heard, Jr.1 product
- Frank B. Linderman. Illustrated by Charles M. Russell1 product
- Frank Bowman1 product
- Frank C. Whitmore1 product
- Frank Close1 product
- Frank Cousins and Phil M. Riley1 product
- Frank D. Prager and Gustina Scaglia1 product
- Frank H. Atkinson, Charles J. Strong and L. S. Strong1 product
- Frank H. Knight1 product
- Frank J. Lohan2 products
- Frank Jacobs. Illustrations by Larry Daste1 product
- Frank K. Gallant1 product
- Frank L. Pilar1 product
- Frank Lloyd Wright1 product
- Frank Lohan2 products
- Frank M. Rines2 products
- Frank M. Stewart1 product
- Frank Morley and F. V. Morley1 product
- Frank Norris3 products
- Frank R. Stockton. With illustrations by George Varian and B. West Clinedinst1 product
- Frank Sullivan1 product
- Frank Tashlin2 products
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt1 product
- Franklin H. Gottshall2 products
- Franklin W. Dixon5 products
- Frans Masereel2 products
- Frans Masereel. With a New Introduction by David A. Beronä1 product
- Franz Boas1 product
- Franz E. Hohn1 product
- Franz Kafka3 products
- Franz Kafka and Rainer Maria Rilke1 product
- Franz Kafka. Translated by David Wyllie1 product
- Franz Kullak. Edited with New Examples, and an Introduction by Anton Kuerti1 product
- Franz Liszt12 products
- Franz Liszt. Edited by Ferruccio Busoni2 products
- Franz Reuleaux. Introduction by Eugene S. Ferguson1 product
- Franz Sales Meyer1 product
- Franz Schönwerth. Translated by M. Charlotte Wolf, Ph.D1 product
- Franz Schubert3 products
- Franz Von Stuck1 product
- Fred Brauer and John A. Nohel1 product
- Fred C. Kelly1 product
- Fred H. Croom1 product
- Fred Howard1 product
- Fred Reinfeld1 product
- Fred Schaaf2 products
- Freda DeKnight1 product
- Frédéric Butin1 product
- Frédéric Chopin6 products
- Frédéric Chopin. Edited by E. L. Voynich1 product
- Frederick Douglass5 products
- Frederick Douglass, William Wells Brown, and Harriet E. Wilson1 product
- Frederick Douglass. Edited by James Daley1 product
- Frederick H. Martens1 product
- Frederick Irving Anderson1 product
- Frederick Jackson Turner. With an Introduction by Allan G. Bogue1 product
- Frederick Marryat. Illustrated by H. R. Millar. With an Introduction by David Hannay1 product
- Frederick Marryat. Introduction to the Dover edition by John Harland1 product
- Frederick Mosteller1 product
- Frederick Mosteller, Stephen E. Fienberg and Robert E. K. Rourke1 product
- Frederick P. Todd. Illustrated by Fritz Kredel1 product
- Frederick S. Woods1 product
- Frederick Stibbert1 product
- Frederick the Great. Translated by General Thomas R. Phillips1 product
- Frederick W Grover1 product
- Frederick W. Byron, Jr., and Robert W. Fuller1 product
- Frederick William Baron von Steuben1 product
- Frederick Winslow Taylor1 product
- Fredric Sweney1 product
- Fredrik Henrik af Chapman1 product
- Freeman Wills Crofts2 products
- Friedrich Froebel. Translated and Annotated by W. N. Hailmann1 product
- Friedrich Nietzsche9 products
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Edited by Heinrich Mann1 product
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Translated by Adrian Collins1 product
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Translated by Helen Zimmern and Paul V. Cohn1 product
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Translated by J. M. Kennedy1 product
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Translated by Thomas Common1 product
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Translated by Thomas Common with Poetry Rendered by Paul V. Cohn and Maude D. Petre1 product
- Friedrich Perzynski. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Friedrich Schiller. Translated with an Introduction by Reginald Snell1 product
- Friedrich Waismann1 product
- Friedrich Wolfrum and Co1 product
- Frigyes Riesz and Bela Sz.-Nagy1 product
- Fritz Schider1 product
- Fritz Winckel1 product
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky8 products
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Edited and with an Introduction by Edward Wasiolek1 product
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Edited, Translated and With an Introduction by Edward Wasiolek1 product
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Translated by Constance Garnett5 products
- G. A. and M. A. Audsley1 product
- G. A. Bollinger1 product
- G. A. Henty9 products
- G. A. Storey1 product
- G. B. Keene1 product
- G. Barquest, S. Craven and R. Ellarson1 product
- G. Dunn and B. S. Everitt1 product
- G. E. M. Skues1 product
- G. E. Moore1 product
- G. E. Shilov and B. L. Gurevich1 product
- G. F. Gause1 product
- G. G. Coulton2 products
- G. H. Hardy1 product
- G. H. Hardy and Marcel Riesz1 product
- G. H. Hardy and W. W. Rogosinski1 product
- G. H. Oelsner1 product
- G. K Chesterton1 product
- G. K. Chesterton15 products
- G. K. Chesterton. Edited and with an Introduction by Dale Ahlquist1 product
- G. K. Chesterton. Edited by Dale Ahlquist1 product
- G. K. Chesterton. With an Afterword by Martin Gardner1 product
- G. Montague Ellwood1 product
- G. N. Watson1 product
- G. R. S. Mead1 product
- G. Rickayzen1 product
- G. Stephenson1 product
- G. Stephenson and C. W. Kilmister1 product
- G. Temple1 product
- G. W. F. Hegel. Translated by J. B. Baillie1 product
- G. W. F. Hegel. Translated by J. Sibree1 product
- G. W. F. Hegel. Translated by S. W. Dyde1 product
- G. W. Leibniz1 product
- G. W. Leibniz. Translated by George R. Montgomery1 product
- Gabriel de Tarde. Preface by H. G. Wells1 product
- Gabriel Fauré2 products
- Gabriele Grünebaum2 products
- Gail Grant1 product
- Gaisi Takeuti1 product
- Gamaliel Bradford1 product
- Gamaliel Bradford, Jr2 products
- Gardner D. Hiscox1 product
- Garrick Mallery1 product
- Gary Chartrand1 product
- Gary Chartrand and Ping Zhang1 product
- Gaston Leroux1 product
- Gayla M. Mills1 product
- Geffroi de Villehardouin and Jean Sire de Joinville1 product
- Geir T. Zoëga1 product
- Gene Stratton-Porter2 products
- General Armand de Caulaincourt1 product
- General George Armstrong Custer1 product
- General William T. Sherman1 product
- Geo E. Woodward1 product
- Geoffrey Chaucer2 products
- Geoffrey Sewell1 product
- Georg Joos1 product
- Georg Philipp Telemann1 product
- George Allan England. Introduction by Jess Nevins1 product
- George Ashdown Audsley4 products
- George B. Bridgman2 products
- George B. Bridgman and Ben Pinchot1 product
- George Bachman and Lawrence Narici1 product
- George Bain1 product
- George Barr2 products
- George Barr McCutcheon1 product
- George Berkeley1 product
- George Bernard Shaw5 products
- George Biddlecombe1 product
- George Boole3 products
- George C. Schatz and Mark A. Ratner1 product
- George Cameron Stone1 product
- George Catlin2 products
- George Christakos2 products
- George Douglas1 product
- George E. Andrews1 product
- George E. Owen2 products
- George E. Woodward and Edward G. Thompson1 product
- George Eliot5 products
- George F. Barber1 product
- George F. Barber And Co1 product
- George Francis Dow2 products
- George Francis Dow and John Henry Edmonds1 product
- George Frideric Handel1 product
- George Gamow4 products
- George Gaylord Simpson, Anne Roe and Richard C. Lewontin1 product
- George Gordon, Lord Byron1 product
- George Green. Edited by N. M. Ferrers1 product
- George H. Duffey1 product
- George Hepplewhite1 product
- George L. Trigg1 product
- George Latshaw1 product
- George Leonard Carlson1 product
- George MacDonald3 products
- George MacDonald. Illustrated by Arthur Hughes1 product
- George Perkins Marsh1 product
- George Polya1 product
- George Russell Shaw1 product
- George S. Clason1 product
- George S. Schuyler1 product
- George Santayana2 products
- George Sarton1 product
- George Stephen1 product
- George Stubbs1 product
- George Sylvester Viereck1 product
- George W. Bellows. Designed by Carol Belanger Grafton1 product
- George W. Mackey1 product
- George W. Reynolds. Illustrated by Henry Anelay1 product
- George W. Sears Nessmuk1 product
- George Webbe Dasent3 products
- George Wharton James2 products
- George Willard Benson1 product
- George Wylie Henderson. Illustrated by Lowell Leroy Balcolm1 product
- George Yuri Rainich1 product
- Georges Sorel. Introduction by Edward A. Shils1 product
- Georgette Heyer2 products
- Georgi E. Shilov3 products
- Georgi E. Shilov. Translated by Richard A. Silverman1 product
- Georgi P. Tolstov1 product
- Georgine de Courtais1 product
- Georgius Agricola2 products
- Gerald Abrahams1 product
- Gerald E. Sherwood and Robert C. Stroh1 product
- Gerald Friedlander and Sheilah Beckett1 product
- Gerald Goertzel and Nunzio Tralli1 product
- Gerard Manley Hopkins. Edited and with an Introduction by Bob Blaisdell1 product
- Gerard W. Kelly1 product
- Germund Dahlquist and Åke Björck. Translated from the Swedish by Ned Anderson1 product
- Gerolamo Cardano. Translated by Sydney Henry Gould. Foreword by Samuel S. Wilks1 product
- Geronimo. As Told to S. M. Barrett1 product
- Gerry Giovinco1 product
- Gertrude Bell1 product
- Gertrude Chandler Warner2 products
- Gertrude Ehrlich1 product
- Gertrude Stein4 products
- Gertrude Whiting1 product
- Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola. Translated by John Leeke. With a New Introduction by David Watkin1 product
- Giacomo Puccini1 product
- Gianni A. Sarcone and Marie-Jo Waeber2 products
- Gilbert A. Pierce. With Additions by William A. Wheeler1 product
- Gilbert de B. Robinson1 product
- Gilbert Murray1 product
- Giorgio Vasari1 product
- Giorgio Vasari. Translated by Mrs. Jonathan Foster. Edited by Marilyn Aronberg Lavin1 product
- Giovanni Battista Falda1 product
- Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Introduction by Philip Hofer. With a New Preface by John Howe1 product
- Giovanni Boccaccio. Edited by Bob Blaisdell1 product
- Giovanni Iannoni1 product
- Giovanni Maria Dettori1 product
- Giovanni Verga1 product
- Giovanni Verga. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Gisele Díaz, Alan Rodgers1 product
- Giuseppe Tucci1 product
- Giuseppe Verdi1 product
- Gladstone Califf1 product
- Gladys Emerson Cook3 products
- Gladys Thompson1 product
- Glenn Kittler1 product
- Gordon Grant1 product
- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing1 product
- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Translated by Ellen Frothingham1 product
- Grace D. Boylan. Introduction by Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D1 product
- Grace James. Illustrations by Warwick Goble1 product
- Grace Raymond Hebard1 product
- Graham C. Goodwin and Kwai Sang Sin1 product
- Graham Flegg1 product
- Graham Lock1 product
- Graily Hewitt1 product
- Granino A. Korn1 product
- Grant R. Fowles1 product
- Greg Michaelson1 product
- Gregor Wentzel1 product
- Gregory H. Wannier1 product
- Gregory L. Naber1 product
- Gregory Mirow1 product
- Greta Pack1 product
- Grumpy Cat1 product
- Gun Blomqvist, Elwy Persson1 product
- Gunter Scharf2 products
- Günther Roeder1 product
- Gustav Ecke1 product
- Gustav Klimt1 product
- Gustav Mahler3 products
- Gustav Stickley5 products
- Gustav Stickley, L. And J. G. Stickley1 product
- Gustave Doré12 products
- Gustave Doré and Edgar Allan Poe1 product
- Gustave Doré and S. T. Coleridge1 product
- Gustave Doré. Edited by Carol Belanger Grafton1 product
- Gustave Doré. Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges1 product
- Gustave Flaubert. Edited by Dora Knowlton Ranous1 product
- Gustave Flaubert. Translated by Arthur McDowall1 product
- Gustave Flaubert. Translated by Eleanor Marx-Aveling1 product
- Gustave Le Bon2 products
- Guy Boothby1 product
- Guy de Maupassant2 products
- Guy de Maupassant. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Guy Stern and E. F. Bleiler1 product
- Gwen Marston and Joe Cunningham1 product
- György E. Révész1 product
- H. A. Calahan1 product
- H. A. Guerber2 products
- H. A. Ogden1 product
- H. A. R. Gibb1 product
- H. A. Rey1 product
- H. A. Thurston1 product
- H. C. Corben and Philip Stehle1 product
- H. C. van de Hulst1 product
- H. C. Van Ness1 product
- H. De Vere Stacpoole. Illustrated by Willy Pogány1 product
- H. E. Huntley1 product
- H. E. Marshall1 product
- H. F. Weinberger1 product
- H. G. E. Degas1 product
- H. G. Robley1 product
- H. G. Wells11 products
- H. G. Wells. Edited by Martin Gardner1 product
- H. Graham Flegg1 product
- H. Jerome Keisler1 product
- H. K. Nickerson, D. C. Spencer and N. E. Steenrod1 product
- H. L. Li1 product
- H. L. Mencken1 product
- H. P. Lovecraft1 product
- H. Rider Haggard1 product
- H. Roessing1 product
- H. Russell Robinson1 product
- H. S. Bear1 product
- H. S. M. Coxeter1 product
- H. Steinhaus1 product
- H. V. von Holst1 product
- H. W. Liepmann1 product
- H. W. Turnbull and A. C. Aitken1 product
- H.P. Lovecraft1 product
- Hafiz1 product
- Hajime Ouchi1 product
- Hamilton Wright Mabie1 product
- Hamlin Garland1 product
- Hank Aberle1 product
- Hannah Glasse1 product
- Hannah Webster Foster1 product
- Hans A. Bethe1 product
- Hans Alexander Mueller1 product
- Hans Christian Andersen2 products
- Hans Christian Andersen. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac1 product
- Hans H. Jaffé and Milton Orchin1 product
- Hans Holbein1 product
- Hans Holbein the Younger1 product
- Hans J. Zassenhaus1 product
- Hans Kmoch1 product
- Hans Reichenbach2 products
- Hans Sagan1 product
- Hans Schneider and George Phillip Barker1 product
- Hans Schwerdtfeger1 product
- Hao Wang1 product
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- Harold Bayley1 product
- Harold E. Group1 product
- Harold E. Wolfe1 product
- Harold Frederic1 product
- Harold Gatty1 product
- Harold L. Peterson1 product
- Harold Murdock1 product
- Harold R. Enlow1 product
- Harold Speed2 products
- Harold T. Davis1 product
- Harold Widom2 products
- Harriet Anne De Salis3 products
- Harriet Beecher Stowe3 products
- Harriet E. Wilson1 product
- Harriet Jacobs1 product
- Harris, McHenry And Baker Co1 product
- Harrison Fisher1 product
- Harry Baier1 product
- Harry Borgman1 product
- Harry Craddock1 product
- Harry F. Davis1 product
- Harry F. Olson1 product
- Harry Hochstadt2 products
- Harry Houdini2 products
- Harry J. Lipkin3 products
- Harry Pollard and Harold G. Diamond1 product
- Harry R. Ballinger2 products
- Harry Sternberg1 product
- Hartley Burr Alexander1 product
- Harvey Cohn2 products
- Harvey Dunn. Foreword by Jeff A. Menges1 product
- Harvey E. White and Donald H. White1 product
- Hassler Whitney1 product
- Hattie A. Burr1 product
- Hayward Cirker and Barbara Steadman1 product
- Heather McCoy2 products
- Heather McCoy, Ph.D2 products
- Hector Berlioz1 product
- Hector d’Espouy1 product
- Heidi James1 product
- Heini Halberstam and Hans-Egon Richert1 product
- Heinrich Dörrie1 product
- Heinrich Hoffmann1 product
- Heinrich Hoffmann, with illustrations by Walter Hayn1 product
- Heinrich Kley1 product
- Heinrich Schenker1 product
- Heinrich W. Guggenheimer1 product
- Heinrich Wölfflin1 product
- Heinz R. Pagels1 product
- Helen Cowles LeCron. Illustrated by Maurice Day1 product
- Helen Fling. Illustrated by Charles Forbell1 product
- Helen Fouché Gaines1 product
- Helen Hunt Jackson1 product
- Helen Keller2 products
- Helen Schucman, PhD1 product
- Helen Whitson Rose1 product
- Helm Wotzkow1 product
- Henning Nelms1 product
- Henri Barbusse1 product
- Henri Bergson3 products
- Henri Bergson. Translated by Cloudesley Brereton and Fred Rothwell1 product
- Henri Bergson. Translated by Mabelle L. Andison1 product
- Henri Cartan2 products
- Henri Clouzot1 product
- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec2 products
- Henri Frankfort1 product
- Henri Martinie1 product
- Henri Pirenne1 product
- Henri Poincaré2 products
- Henrik Ibsen7 products
- Henry Adams1 product
- Henry Atterbury Smith1 product
- Henry B. Culver1 product
- Henry Bibb. Introduction by Lucius Matlack.1 product
- Henry Box Brown1 product
- Henry Bradley1 product
- Henry C. Dethloff. With a New Introduction by Paul Dickson1 product
- Henry C. Mercer1 product
- Henry C. Pitz1 product
- Henry Coleman Folkard1 product
- Henry David Thoreau5 products
- Henry David Thoreau. Illustrated by John James Audubon1 product
- Henry Delacroix1 product
- Henry Drummond1 product
- Henry Ernest Dudeney. Introduced and Edited by Martin Gardner1 product
- Henry Fielding2 products
- Henry George. Foreword by John Dewey1 product
- Henry Gilbert1 product
- Henry Guédy1 product
- Henry Hatton and Adrian Plate1 product
- Henry James12 products
- Henry L. Feingold1 product
- Henry L. Wilson2 products
- Henry Lamar Crosby and John Nevin Schaeffer1 product
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- Henry Mayhew and Others1 product
- Henry N. Ellacombe1 product
- Henry P. Manning1 product
- Henry Parker Manning1 product
- Henry Purcell1 product
- Henry R. d'Allemagne1 product
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- Henry Rankin Poore1 product
- Henry Shaw2 products
- Henry Sticker1 product
- Henry Stommel1 product
- Henry T. Brown1 product
- Henry van Dyke1 product
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow3 products
- Henry Winterfeld. Illustrated by Fritz Wegner1 product
- Henryk Sienkiewicz. Translated by Jeremiah Curtin1 product
- Herbert Aptheker1 product
- Herbert Arthur Klein1 product
- Herbert Asbury1 product
- Herbert B. Keller1 product
- Herbert Busemann2 products
- Herbert Busemann and Paul J. Kelly1 product
- Herbert C. Chivers1 product
- Herbert Maryon1 product
- Herbert Norris3 products
- Herbert S. Wilf1 product
- Herman Chernoff and Lincoln E. Moses1 product
- Herman Hesse. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Herman Melville8 products
- Hermann Hesse2 products
- Hermann Hesse. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Hermann von Helmholtz1 product
- Hermann Weyl2 products
- Hermann Weyl. Edited and with an Introduction by Peter Pesic1 product
- Hervey Garrett Smith1 product
- Heydar Radjavi and Peter Rosenthal1 product
- Heywood Brothers1 product
- Hilaire Belloc2 products
- Hilda Amphlett1 product
- Hilda Lawrence4 products
- Hilda M. Ransome1 product
- Hildegarde Deuzo1 product
- Hoffman Nickerson1 product
- Holly Roth1 product
- Holt Ashley1 product
- Homer2 products
- Homer E. Flint1 product
- Homer E. Newell1 product
- Homer E. Newell, Jr.1 product
- Homer Halsted. Illustrated by Don G. Kelley1 product
- Honoré Balzac1 product
- Honoré de Balzac2 products
- Honoré de Balzac. Translated by Ellen Marriage1 product
- Hope Hanley1 product
- Hope Mirrlees1 product
- Horace Walpole1 product
- Houston, Mary G.1 product
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- Howard DeLong1 product
- Howard Eves1 product
- Howard G. Tucker1 product
- Howard Garis with illustrations by Louis Wisa1 product
- Howard Haycraft1 product
- Howard J. Wilcox and David L. Myers1 product
- Howard L. Resnikoff and Raymond O. Wells, Jr1 product
- Howard Pyle5 products
- Howard Reiss1 product
- Howard Simon1 product
- Howard Swann and John F. Johnson1 product
- Howard W. Haggard1 product
- Hubay, Wieniawski, Saraste And Ernst1 product
- Hubert Allcock1 product
- Hubert Stanley Wall1 product
- Hugh Durnford and Others1 product
- Hugh Ferriss2 products
- Hugh Laidman2 products
- Hugh Lamb1 product
- Hugh Lofting2 products
- Hugh Vernon-Jackson1 product
- Hugo Hadwiger and Hans Debrunner. Translated by Victor Klee1 product
- Hugo Steinhaus. Foreword by Martin Gardner1 product
- Hugues Leblanc1 product
- Humphrey Searle. With a New Introduction by Sara Davis Buechner1 product
- Hylke Faber2 products
- Hyun-Ku Rhee, Rutherford Aris, and Neal R. Amundson2 products
- I. G. Petrovsky1 product
- I. I. Gol'dman and V. D. Krivchenkov1 product
- I. M. Gelfand and S. V. Fomin. Translated by Richard A. Silverman1 product
- I. M. Vinogradov2 products
- I. P. Natanson1 product
- I. P. Pavlov. Edited by G. V. Anrep1 product
- I. S. Sominskii, L. I. Golovina and I. M. Yaglom1 product
- I.M. Gelfand1 product
- Ian Anderson1 product
- Ian Mueller1 product
- Ian N. Sneddon1 product
- Ian Stewart3 products
- Ian Strathcarron1 product
- Ibn Battuta. Translated and Edited by Rev. Samuel Lee1 product
- Ida B. Wells-Barnett1 product
- Ida M. Tarbell. Edited by David M. Chalmers1 product
- Ida Rentoul Outhwaite with verses by Annie R. Rentoul. Stories by Grenbry Outhwaite and Annie R. Rentoul1 product
- Ideal Homes. With a New Introduction by Daniel D. Reiff1 product
- Ignatius Donnelly1 product
- Igor Bazovsky1 product
- Igor Stravinsky1 product
- Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Translated by V. S. Vernon Jones. With an Introduction by G. K. Chesterton1 product
- Illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright1 product
- Illustrated by Gustave Doré. Text by Rudolf Erich Raspe1 product
- Illustrated by Margaret Tarrant. Edited by Marian Russell Heath1 product
- Illustrations by O. R. Eggers With a Foreword and Captions by William H. Crocker1 product
- Ilya Prigogine1 product
- Immanuel Kant4 products
- Immanuel Kant. Translated by J. H. Bernard1 product
- Immanuel Kant. Translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohn1 product
- Immanuel Kant. Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott1 product
- Ina Kliffen1 product
- Inazo Nitobé1 product
- Inga Johnson and Allison K. Henrich1 product
- International String Figure Association1 product
- Introduced and Edited by Brian Stableford1 product
- Introduced and Edited by S. T. Joshi1 product
- Introductory notes and MP3s by Janice Weber. New Foreword by Severo Ornstein1 product
- Ira H. Abbott and A. E. von Doenhoff1 product
- Ira Moskowitz, John Collier1 product
- Ira Ritow1 product
- Irena Lexová1 product
- Iris Brooke3 products
- Irma A. Richter1 product
- Irmgard Weitlaner-Johnson1 product
- Irvin Leigh Matus. With a New Introduction by Thomas Mann1 product
- Irving Adler. Diagrams by Ruth Adler. New Introduction by Peter Ruane1 product
- Irving Chernev4 products
- Irving Kaplansky1 product
- Isaac Albéniz2 products
- Isaac Hobbs1 product
- Isaac Husik1 product
- Isabel Bolton1 product
- Isabella L. Bird3 products
- Isabella L. Bird. With a New Introduction by Clarence C. Strowbridge1 product
- Isabelle S. Sayers1 product
- Isao Honda1 product
- Isidore Isaac Hirschman1 product
- Isidore Isaac Hirschman and David Vernon Widder1 product
- Israel Abrahams1 product
- Israel Gelfer1 product
- Israel Zangwill1 product
- Israel Zangwill. Introduction by E. F. Bleiler1 product
- Issued by the War Department, United States1 product
- Ivan Galamian. With a New Introduction by Sally Thomas1 product
- Ivan Niven1 product
- Ivan Turgenev2 products
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- Ixia Press1 product
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- Ruth and Latrobe Carroll1 product
- Ruth Binney1 product
- Ruth Leaf1 product
- Ruth Stiles Gannett. Illustrated by Ruth Chrisman Gannett2 products
- Rutherford Aris2 products
- Rutherford Platt1 product
- Ruthven Todd. Illustrated by Paul Galdone4 products
- S. Angus1 product
- S. B. Reed1 product
- S. Chandrasekhar1 product
- S. D. Goitein1 product
- S. H. Gould1 product
- S. H. Steinberg1 product
- S. James Press1 product
- S. James Press and Judith M. Tanur1 product
- S. L. MacGregor Mathers1 product
- S. Lawrence Marple, Jr2 products
- S. M. Bozic1 product
- S. Morris Engel1 product
- S. Neil Rasband1 product
- S. R. De Groot and P. Mazur1 product
- S. S. Sritharan1 product
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- S. W. Erdnase1 product
- S. Wilson1 product
- Sabatino Moscati1 product
- Sabine Baring-Gould1 product
- Sadi Carnot1 product
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Translated by Thomas Corbishley, S.J1 product
- Saki1 product
- Saki (H. H. Munro)1 product
- Sakyo Komatsu. Translated by Michael Gallagher1 product
- Salomon Bochner1 product
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- Sam Loyd1 product
- Samantha Burns1 product
- Samuel Butler3 products
- Samuel Chamberlain and Narcissa Chamberlain1 product
- Samuel Charters. Photographs by Ann Charters1 product
- Samuel Colman1 product
- Samuel Goldberg1 product
- Samuel Johnson1 product
- Samuel Johnson. Edited by E. L. McAdam and George Milne1 product
- Samuel Pepys. Edited by Richard Le Gallienne1 product
- Samuel Richardson1 product
- Samuel Rush Meyrick1 product
- Samuel S. Holland, Jr1 product
- Samuel Smiles1 product
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge1 product
- Sangtae Kim1 product
- Sappho. Translated and with an Introduction by J. M. Edmonds1 product
- Sarah Austin. Illustrations by Eleanor Vere Boyle1 product
- Sarah Bradford1 product
- Sarah Don1 product
- Sarah Josepha Hale1 product
- Sarah Orne Jewett2 products
- Sarah Sloyer1 product
- Sarah Tyson Rorer1 product
- Saul Stahl1 product
- Saul Stahl and Paul E. Johnson1 product
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- Scott D. Campbell1 product
- Scott Ginsberg1 product
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- Sean Dineen1 product
- Sears, Roebuck and Co4 products
- Sears, Roebuck And Co. Introduction by Ben B. Judd, Jr1 product
- Sebastian Brant1 product
- Sébastien Japrisot1 product
- Sébastien Japrisot. Translated by Helen Weaver1 product
- Sei Shonagon. Translated and Edited by Arthur Waley1 product
- Selected and Edited by George Petrie1 product
- Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges5 products
- Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges. Introduction by Mark Burstein1 product
- Selected and Edited by Rollin Smith1 product
- Selected and Retold by Padraic Colum1 product
- Selected by Barrett H. Clark1 product
- Selected by Jim Harter1 product
- Selected by Joseph Leeming. Illustrated by Shane Miller1 product
- Selected by M. G. Edgar. Illustrated by Willy Pogány1 product
- Selected, Edited and with Commentary by H. Arthur Klein1 product
- Selma Lagerlof3 products
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- Serge Rachmaninoff1 product
- Sergei Prokofiev1 product
- Sergey Levchin1 product
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- Shep Stadtman1 product
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- Sherman K. Stein1 product
- Sherman Stein1 product
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- Sherwood Anderson4 products
- Shirley Jackson. Illustrated by Lorraine Fox1 product
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- Shôjirô Nomura and Tsutomu Ema1 product
- Sholom Aleichem1 product
- Sholom Aleichem. Translated and Edited by Curt Leviant1 product
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- Sidney Toy1 product
- Siegbert Tarrasch1 product
- Siegfried Sassoon1 product
- Sigmund Freud7 products
- Sigmund Freud. Translated by A. A. Brill1 product
- Sigmund Freud. Translated by M. D. Eder1 product
- Sigmund Freud. Translated by W. D. Robson-Scott1 product
- Silvan S. Schweber1 product
- Simon L. Altmann1 product
- Sinclair Lewis3 products
- Sir Alfred Fripp and Ralph Thompson1 product
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle12 products
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Illustrated by Henry Pitz1 product
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. With a New Introduction by Mike Ashley1 product
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- Sir James H. Jeans1 product
- Sir James Jeans2 products
- Sir James Knowles. Illustrations by Louis Rhead1 product
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- Sir Robert Baden-Powell. Foreword by Peter Earnest. Introduction by Matthew Arnold1 product
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- Sir Thomas L. Heath1 product
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- Snorre Sturlason1 product
- Snorri Sturluson. Translated by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur1 product
- Society of Illustrators. Foreword by Dennis Dittrich. Introduction by Royal Cortissoz1 product
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- Sojourner Truth, Harriet Jacobs and Mary Prince1 product
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- Solomon Lefschetz1 product
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- Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus1 product
- Sophocles. Translated by Sir George Young1 product
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- St. Augustine. Translated by Rev. Professor J. F. Shaw1 product
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- St. Francis de Sales. Edited and Translated by Allan Ross1 product
- St. John of the Cross1 product
- St. John of the Cross. Translated by E. Allison Peers1 product
- St. John the Evangelist and Others1 product
- St. Paul1 product
- St. Teresa of Avila1 product
- St. Teresa of Avila. Edited and Translated by E. Allison Peers2 products
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- Standard Homes Company1 product
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- Stefan Kulczycki1 product
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- Stendhal. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Stendhal. Translated by Horace B. Samuel1 product
- Stephane Rossini1 product
- Stephen Barr1 product
- Stephen Cole Kleene1 product
- Stephen Crane7 products
- Stephen D. Fisher2 products
- Stephen G. C. Ensko1 product
- Stephen K. Campbell1 product
- Stephen P. Timoshenko and James M. Gere1 product
- Stephen Pollard1 product
- Stephen W. Meader1 product
- Stephen Weiss. Line Drawings by Paul Jackson1 product
- Stephen Willard1 product
- Sterling K. Berberian1 product
- Steven D. Garber1 product
- Steven G. Krantz1 product
- Steven H. Weintraub1 product
- Steven J. Brams1 product
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- Stewart H. Holbrook1 product
- Stewart Harris1 product
- Stewart James1 product
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- Suetonius. Translated by J. C. Rolfe1 product
- Sui Sin Far1 product
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- Susan Byrd1 product
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- Susan Winter Mills1 product
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- Sy Barlowe1 product
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- Sylvia Cosh and James Walters1 product
- Sylvia Pankhurst. Preface by Emmeline Pankhurst1 product
- Sylvia Townsend Warner1 product
- Syracuse Ornamental Co1 product
- Szegedi Szüts. New Foreword by Peter Kuper. Introduction by R. H. Mottram1 product
- T. A. Burton1 product
- T. A. Heppenheimer1 product
- T. A. Layton1 product
- T. A. Waters. Foreword by Barbara Hambly1 product
- T. C. Hu and M. T. Shing1 product
- T. Crofton Croker1 product
- T. E. Lawrence1 product
- T. Ewan Faulkner1 product
- T. G. Steward1 product
- T. H. O’Beirne1 product
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- T. J. Willmore1 product
- T. Nelson Downs1 product
- T. R. Malthus1 product
- T. S. Eliot1 product
- T. W. Rolleston1 product
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- Talbot Hughes. Introduction by Kristina Seleshanko1 product
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- Teri S. Wood. Afterword by Carla Speed McNeil1 product
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- The Art Directors Club1 product
- The Boy Scouts of America1 product
- The Brothers Grimm1 product
- The Federal Writers’ Project1 product
- The National Geographic Society1 product
- The Picayune1 product
- The Radford Architectural Company1 product
- The Venerable Bede. Translated and Edited by A. M. Sellar1 product
- Thea von Harbou1 product
- Theobald Boehm1 product
- Theodor Herzl1 product
- Theodor Mommsen. With Introduction, Notes and Glossary by Dero A. Saunders and John H. Collins1 product
- Theodore Annemann1 product
- Theodore Dreiser2 products
- Theodore Frankel1 product
- Theodore Menten1 product
- Theodore Raph1 product
- Theodore Roosevelt4 products
- Theodore Roosevelt. Illustrated by Frederic Remington1 product
- Theodore S. Chihara1 product
- Theodore W. Gamelin1 product
- Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen1 product
- Theophilus. Translated by John G. Hawthorne and C. S. Smith1 product
- Thérèse of Lisieux1 product
- Thomas à Kempis1 product
- Thomas à Kempis. Translated by Aloysius Croft and Harold Bolton1 product
- Thomas A. Janvier1 product
- Thomas Armstrong, PhD1 product
- Thomas Balston1 product
- Thomas Bulfinch2 products
- Thomas Carlyle. Abridged and Edited by A. H. R. Ball1 product
- Thomas Chippendale1 product
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- Thomas F. Googerty1 product
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- Thomas H. Huxley1 product
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- Thomas Hobbes2 products
- Thomas Hope1 product
- Thomas J. R. Hughes1 product
- Thomas Jefferson3 products
- Thomas King1 product
- Thomas L. Saaty1 product
- Thomas Mann1 product
- Thomas Mann. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Thomas More1 product
- Thomas Nast1 product
- Thomas Paine3 products
- Thomas R. Quinn1 product
- Thomas Sheraton1 product
- Thomas W. Cutler1 product
- Thomas Wentworth Higginson1 product
- Thompson, C. J. S.1 product
- Thornton W. Burgess31 products
- Thornton W. Burgess. Illustrated by Harrison Cady1 product
- Thornton W. Burgess. Illustrated by Rhoda Chase1 product
- Thornton W. Burgess. Illustrations by Harrison Cady2 products
- Thornton Wilder1 product
- Thorstein Veblen1 product
- Thos. K. Woodard and Blanche Greenstein1 product
- Three Initiates1 product
- Thucydides. Translated by Richard Crawley1 product
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- Tom Hill1 product
- Tomoko Fuse1 product
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- Torgny Lindvall1 product
- Translated and Edited by Charles Swan and Wynnard Hooper1 product
- Translated and Edited by Henry Clarke Warren1 product
- Translated and Edited by Lewis Spence1 product
- Translated and Introduction by Clifton Wolters1 product
- Translated by Arthur Jeffery1 product
- Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff1 product
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- Translated by J. M. Rodwell1 product
- Translated by James Legge3 products
- Translated by Jessie L. Weston1 product
- Translated by Joseph Dunn1 product
- Translated by Lady Charlotte E. Guest1 product
- Translated by M. Charlotte Wolf, Ph.D1 product
- Translated by Nina A. Toumanova1 product
- Translated by R. H. Charles1 product
- Translated by R. K. Gordon1 product
- Translated by Richard F. Burton1 product
- Translated by Romesh C. Dutt1 product
- Translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers1 product
- Translated by Sir Edwin Arnold1 product
- Translated by Thomas Okey1 product
- Translated by William Gates1 product
- Translated with an Introduction by Sergey Levchin1 product
- Tullio Levi-Civita1 product
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- Universal Catalog Bureau1 product
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- V. A. Ditkin and A. P. Prudnikov. Translated by D. M. G. Wishart1 product
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- V. G. Shervatov, B. I. Argunov, L. A. Skornyakov, V. G. Boltyanskii1 product
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- V. I. Krylov1 product
- V. I. Smirnov. Translated and Edited by Richard A. Silverman1 product
- V. K. Balakrishnan1 product
- V. M. Bradis, V. L. Minkovskii and A. K. Kharcheva1 product
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- Valery Carrick1 product
- Vance Randolph1 product
- Vance Studley1 product
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- Vatsyayana. Translated by Richard Burton1 product
- Venkatarama Krishnan1 product
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- Veronica Winters1 product
- Vesalius, Albinus, Leonardo and Others1 product
- Vibeke Lind. English translation by Annette Allen Jensen1 product
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- Victor Hugo. Translated by A. L. Alger1 product
- Victor Hugo. Translated by Charles E. Wilbour. Abridged by James K. Robinson1 product
- Victor Hugo. Translated by Isabel Hapgood1 product
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- Victor Perard6 products
- Victor Perard. Revised by Gladys Emerson Cook1 product
- Victor W. Page1 product
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- Victoria Price. Foreword by Roger Corman1 product
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- Vijay K. Rohatgi1 product
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- Vincent F. Seyfried and William Asadorian1 product
- Vincent Price. Preface by Victoria Price. Foreword by V. B. Price1 product
- Vincent van Gogh2 products
- Vincente Palacios1 product
- Virgil1 product
- Virgil. Translated by James Rhoades1 product
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- Volker Heine1 product
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- Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet)1 product
- Voltaire. [Francois-Marie Arouet]1 product
- Voltaire. Selected and Translated by H. I. Woolf1 product
- Voltaire. Translated and with an Introduction by Shane Weller1 product
- Voss, Gilbert L.1 product
- W. A. Bentley1 product
- W. A. Bentley and W. J. Humphreys1 product
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- W. B. Yeats1 product
- W. David Compton and Charles D. Benson. With an Introduction by Paul Dickson1 product
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- W. E. B. Du Bois. Edited by Bob Blaisdell1 product
- W. E. B. DuBois1 product
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- Wallace D. Hayes and Ronald F. Probstein1 product
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- Wallace Stevens. Edited by Bob Blaisdell1 product
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- Walt Whitman6 products
- Walt Whitman; Mose Velsor1 product
- Walt Whitman. With an Introduction by Bob Blaisdell1 product
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- Walter A. Shewhart. Edited with a new Foreword by W. Edwards Deming1 product
- Walter Crane. Edited by Carol Belanger Grafton1 product
- Walter Crane. Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges1 product
- Walter de la Mare1 product
- Walter de la Mare. Illustrated by Dorothy P. Lathrop1 product
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- Washington Irving. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham1 product
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- Whitman Publishing Co1 product
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- William A. Radford. With a New Introduction by Daniel D. Reiff1 product
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- William Blake. Illustrated by Charles and Mary H. Robinson1 product
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- William Shakespeare. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham1 product
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- Dover1 product
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- John Martin. Compiled and Illustrated by George Carlson1 product
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- Tony Tallarico1 product
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- A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. Gorkov and I. E. Dzyaloshinski. Translated and edited by Richard A. Silverman1 product
- A. Avez1 product
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- A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A. Lavrent'ev1 product
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- A. E. Taylor1 product
- A. E. Waite3 products
- A. Erdélyi1 product
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- A. Hauser1 product
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- A. I. Borisenko and I. E. Tarapov. Translated from Russian by Richard A. Silverman1 product
- A. I. Khinchin1 product
- A. J. Bicknell and Company1 product
- A. J. M. Spencer1 product
- A. J. McConnell1 product
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- A. L. Kroeber1 product
- A. Lichnerowicz. Translated by J. W. Leech and D. J. Newman1 product
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- A. M. Yaglom and I. M. Yaglom2 products
- A. N. Kolmogorov and S. V. Fomin1 product
- A. N. Kolmogorov and S. V. Fomin. Translated and Edited by Richard A. Silverman1 product
- A. N. Kolmogorov. Translation edited by Nathan Morrison1 product
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- Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. Edited by Edwin Erle Sparks1 product
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- Alice Hörnecke, Dominik Meißner, and Sabine Seyffert1 product
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- Ana Bidault, Elena Bonotto, Hannah Konetzki, Sam Mann, Jemaica Murphy and Alicia Pinapali1 product
- Ana Bidault, Elena Bonotto, Hannah Konetzki, Sam Mann, Jemaica Murphy, Eeva Nikunen and Alicia Pinapali1 product
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- Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated by T. Bailey Saunders1 product
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- César Franck. Edited by Vincent d'Indy1 product
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- Charles A. Beard. Foreword by Clyde W. Barrow1 product
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- Charles G. Davis1 product
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- Charles J. Finger. Illustrated by Paul Honoré1 product
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- Charles L. Eastlake1 product
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- Claude Monet. Rendered by Marty Noble1 product
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- Clement C. Moore. Illustrated by Teresa Goodridge1 product
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- Co Spinhoven2 products
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- Colette. Translated, with an Introduction, by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
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- Colonial Dames of America1 product
- Compiled and Edited by J. Bodewalt Lampe. New Introduction by Stephanie Chase1 product
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- Compiled by Floyd Clymer. With a New Introduction by Paul Dickson1 product
- Compiled by James Daley1 product
- Compiled by John Grafton1 product
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- Confucius1 product
- Connie Clough Eaton8 products
- Connie Eaton1 product
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- Courtney Davis2 products
- Courtney G. Brooks, James M. Grimwood, and Loyd S. Swenson, Jr1 product
- Cover Illustration by Marjorie Sarnat2 products
- Created and Written by Carl Potts. Script by Dennis O'Neil. Inks by Terry Austin. Colors by Marie Severin1 product
- Crystal Collins1 product
- Curt Sachs2 products
- Cuthbert Girdlestone. New Introduction by Philip Gossett1 product
- Cuthbert Girdlestone. New Introduction by Sara Davis Buechner1 product
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- Dag Prawitz1 product
- Dale Carnegie and J. B. Esenwein1 product
- Dali Museum1 product
- Dan Pedoe1 product
- Dan X. Solo7 products
- Dana Suesse. Introduced and Edited by Peter Mintun1 product
- Daniel Beard5 products
- Daniel Boone and Francis Lister Hawks1 product
- Daniel C. Beard1 product
- Daniel C. Harris and Michael D. Bertolucci1 product
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- Daniel J. Velleman1 product
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- Daniel V. Thompson, Jr1 product
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- Dante Alighieri2 products
- Dante Alighieri. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Dante Alighieri. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1 product
- Dante Alighieri. Translated and with notes by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1 product
- Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1 product
- Dante. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Darcy Bell-Myers2 products
- Darcy Lever1 product
- Darcy May15 products
- Dard Hunter1 product
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- Dave Phillips10 products
- David and La Jeana Bodo3 products
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- David Dutkanicz19 products
- David F. Belding and Kevin J. Mitchell1 product
- David Garnett. With Wood Engravings by R. A. Garnett1 product
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- David Kawami1 product
- David L. Goodstein1 product
- David Lance Goines1 product
- David Lovelock and Hanno Rund1 product
- David M. Gates1 product
- David Michelinie and Bret Blevins. Foreword by Brandon Graham. Introductions by David Michelinie and Bret Blevins. Afterword by John Ridgway1 product
- David Park1 product
- David Pino1 product
- David Ricardo1 product
- David Rickman3 products
- David S. Kahn3 products
- David S. Touretzky1 product
- David Schimmell1 product
- David Shepherd. Illustrated by William K. Plummer1 product
- David V. Erdman1 product
- David V. Widder1 product
- Davison E. Soper1 product
- Davy Crockett1 product
- Dawn McMillan, Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird1 product
- Dawn McMillan. Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird7 products
- Debbie Tomkies1 product
- Dennis Casey1 product
- Dennis Sentilles1 product
- Dennis Shasha1 product
- Denonvilliers Co1 product
- Department of the Army1 product
- Derek Hudson1 product
- Desiderius Erasmus1 product
- Diamond Jim Tyler. Foreword by Jon Racherbaumer. Introduction by Jeff Davis1 product
- Diamond Jim Tyler. Foreword by Martin Gardner. Illustrated by Benjamin Vincent1 product
- Diamond Jim Tyler. Illustrated by Benjamin Vincent.1 product
- Diana Zourelias18 products
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- Diane Zourelias1 product
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- DMC1 product
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- Donald H. Menzel1 product
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- Donald M. Silver and Patricia J. Wynne10 products
- Donald M. Silver, Patricia J. Wynne and Ariel Fleming1 product
- Donald Maxwell. Foreword by Sonja Rozman and Gašper Habjanic1 product
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- Dot Barlowe16 products
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- Douglas Cockerell. Illustrated by Noel Rooke1 product
- Douglas Gorsline1 product
- Douglas R. Graves1 product
- Dover31 products
- Dover Publications28 products
- Dover Publications, Inc1 product
- Dover Publications, Inc. Translated by Vali Tamm1 product
- Dr. J. Hannak. Foreword by Albert Einstein1 product
- Dr. Seuss. Edited and with an Introduction by Rick Marschall1 product
- Duncan MacDonald and Robb Sagendorph1 product
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- E. A. Lupfer1 product
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- Ed Sibbett, Jr8 products
- Edgar A. Kraut1 product
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- Edgar Bergen1 product
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- Edgar Degas. Edited by Carol Belanger Grafton1 product
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- Edgar Rice Burroughs1 product
- Edgy Brothers1 product
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- Edited and Translated by Anna E. Hiller, Ph.D1 product
- Edited and Translated by Jacob Blakesley1 product
- Edited and Translated by Jennifer Wagner1 product
- Edited and Translated by M. Charlotte Wolf, Ph.D1 product
- Edited and Translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers1 product
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- Edited and Translated by Yelena P. Francis1 product
- Edited and with a Preface by Kendall H. Brown2 products
- Edited and with a Preface by Mike Ashley1 product
- Edited and with an Introduction by Elkan Nathan Adler1 product
- Edited and with an Introduction by JoAnne Olian1 product
- Edited and with supplementary materials by Bob Blaisdell1 product
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- Edited by Joan W. Gandy and Thomas H. Gandy1 product
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- Edited by John A. Lomax and Alan Lomax1 product
- Edited by John Gough Nichols1 product
- Edited by John Grafton5 products
- Edited by John Grafton. Introduction by Mike Ashley1 product
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- Edited by Julian Schwinger1 product
- Edited by Kristina Harris2 products
- Edited by Lewis Copeland, Lawrence W. Lamm, and Stephen J. McKenna1 product
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- Edited by Peter A. Jansson1 product
- Edited by Peter Grabarchuk and Serhiy Grabarchuk2 products
- Edited by Peter Grabarchuk and Serhiy Grabarchuk. Foreword by Ian Stewart1 product
- Edited by Philip Haber, illustrated by Stanley Wyatt1 product
- Edited by Philip Smith4 products
- Edited by Prisse d'Avennes1 product
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- Edited by Stanley Appelbaum6 products
- Edited by Stella Blum3 products
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- Edited by the American Poetry and Literacy Project and the Academy of American Poets. With a Foreword by U.S. Poet Laureate, Laurence "Ted" Kooser1 product
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- Guy de Maupassant. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
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- Hans Christian Andersen. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac1 product
- Hans Christian Andersen. Rendered by Thea Kliros1 product
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- Louis Comfort Tiffany1 product
- Louis Comfort Tiffany. Designed by Connie Clough Eaton1 product
- Louis Comfort Tiffany. Rendered by Marty Noble1 product
- Louis H. Sullivan1 product
- Louis Hoffmann1 product
- Louis L. Bucciarelli1 product
- Louis Nikola1 product
- Louis Vierne1 product
- Louis-Claude Daquin and Frances A. Davis1 product
- Louisa Harding1 product
- Louisa May Alcott7 products
- Louisa May Alcott, Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy, Mark Twain and Others1 product
- Louisa May Alcott. Rendered by Barbara Steadman1 product
- Louise Bennett Weaver and Helen Cowles LeCron1 product
- Lucia de Leiris1 product
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca. Translated by Richard Mott Gummere1 product
- Lucretia P. Hale1 product
- Lucy Maud Montgomery3 products
- Lucy Wu1 product
- Ludek Pachman1 product
- Ludwig Boltzmann1 product
- Ludwig Feuerbach. Translated by George Eliot1 product
- Ludwig Petzendorfer1 product
- Ludwig Tieck and Jean Paul Richter. Translated by Thomas Carlyle1 product
- Ludwig van Beethoven16 products
- Ludwig van Beethoven, Felix Mendelssohn, Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky1 product
- Ludwig van Beethoven. Edited by Dr. A. C. Kalischer1 product
- Ludwig Wittgenstein1 product
- Luigi Pirandello1 product
- Luigi Pirandello. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Luna B. Leopold, M. Gordon Wolman, and John P. Miller. New Foreword by Dr. Ellen Wohl1 product
- Luth, Karl1 product
- Luther Pfahler Eisenhart1 product
- Lydia Fenwick1 product
- Lydia Maria Child1 product
- Lynd Ward2 products
- Lynd Ward. With an Introduction by David A. Beronä1 product
- Lynda E. Chandler2 products
- Lynn Adams1 product
- Lynnda Rakos2 products
- Lynne Medsker2 products
- M. A. Akivis and V. V. Goldberg. Translated and Edited by Richard A. Silverman1 product
- M. C. Waldrep2 products
- M. Charlotte Wolf, Ph.D1 product
- M. Minnaert1 product
- M. N. Aref and William Wernick1 product
- M. P. Verneuil1 product
- M. R. James1 product
- M. S. Hanson1 product
- Mabel and Les Beaton1 product
- Mack Sutter1 product
- Macon Shibut1 product
- Madeleine Orban-Szontagh3 products
- Madelenón-Soledad Iglesias Silva2 products
- Maggie Kate8 products
- Maggie Swanson8 products
- Magnus1 product
- Magnus J. Wenninger1 product
- Maimonides1 product
- MaKayla McRae1 product
- Malcolm D. Whitman1 product
- Malcolm Gerloch1 product
- Mallory Pearce3 products
- Malwine Brée1 product
- Man Ray1 product
- Manfred Schroeder1 product
- Manfredo P. do Carmo1 product
- Manly P. Hall2 products
- Manuel Sirgo Álvarez2 products
- Mao Tse-tung. Translated and with an Introduction by Samuel B. Griffith1 product
- Marc Drogin1 product
- Marcel Proust. Translated and Annotated by Edward Ousselin1 product
- Marcel Proust. Translated by C. K. Scott Montcrieff1 product
- Marco Natoli1 product
- Marco Polo1 product
- Marcus Aurelius1 product
- Marcus Garvey1 product
- Marcus Garvey. Edited by Bob Blaisdell1 product
- Marcus Tullius Cicero. Translated by Charles Duke Yonge1 product
- Margaret Baumann1 product
- Margaret Cavendish1 product
- Margaret Fuller2 products
- Margaret Greger1 product
- Margaret Matt and Joe Ziemian1 product
- Margaret Sanger1 product
- Margaret Sidney1 product
- Margaret St. Clair. Edited and with an Introduction by Ramsey Campbell1 product
- Margeau Soboti1 product
- Margery Williams Bianco. Illustrated by Kate Seredy1 product
- Margery Williams. Rendered by Thea Kliros1 product
- Maria Leach. Illustrated by Kurt Werth1 product
- Maria Montessori2 products
- Marian Hurd McNeely. Illustrated by William Siegel1 product
- Marianne Fons and Liz Porter1 product
- Mariano Azuela. Translated by E. Munguia, Jr.1 product
- Marie Belloc Lowndes1 product
- Marie Clesse6 products
- Marie Leprince de Beaumont and Charles Perrault1 product
- Marie Prentner1 product
- Marie-Louise Sjoestedt1 product
- Marine Research Society1 product
- Mario Bunge1 product
- Marius Iosifescu1 product
- Marjorie Sarnat27 products
- Marjorie Sarnat And Cia Slater1 product
- Mark A. Heald and Jerry B. Marion1 product
- Mark A. Nelson1 product
- Mark E. Davis1 product
- Mark Holloway1 product
- Mark Kac1 product
- Mark Kac and Stanislaw M. Ulam1 product
- Mark Schmitz1 product
- Mark Sperring4 products
- Mark Twain21 products
- Mark Twain. Compiled and Edited by Caroline Thomas Harnsberger1 product
- Mark Twain. Edited by Bob Blaisdell2 products
- Marshall H. Kaplan1 product
- Marshall Hall1 product
- Martha Bartfeld1 product
- Martin A. Uman1 product
- Martin Davis2 products
- Martin Gardner13 products
- Martin Gardner. Illustrated by V. G. Myers1 product
- Martin Luther. Edited with an Introduction by Thomas S. Kepler1 product
- Martin Schechter1 product
- Martin Stone1 product
- Marty Noble93 products
- Marvin Grosswirth. Foreword by Commander Edward Whitehead1 product
- Marvin Shinbrot1 product
- Mary Agredo and Javier Agredo1 product
- Mary and Javier Agredo2 products
- Mary Antin1 product
- Mary Austin1 product
- Mary B. Hesse1 product
- Mary Beth Cryan1 product
- Mary Borden1 product
- Mary Boykin Chesnut1 product
- Mary Brooks Picken1 product
- Mary Carolyn Waldrep1 product
- Mary Eakin2 products
- Mary G. Houston3 products
- Mary Harris Jones1 product
- Mary Prince1 product
- Mary Randolph1 product
- Mary Roberts Rinehart3 products
- Mary Rowlandson and Others. Edited by Horace Kephart1 product
- Mary S. Hartman1 product
- Mary Seacole1 product
- Mary Shelley5 products
- Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Polidori and Lord Byron1 product
- Mary Shelley. Adapted and Illustrated by John Green2 products
- Mary Thomas1 product
- Mary Tiles1 product
- Mary Walker Phillips1 product
- Mary White1 product
- Mary Wollstonecraft1 product
- Mathilde Marchesi1 product
- Matila Ghyka1 product
- Matt Bergstrom2 products
- Matthäus Merian. Edited by Carol Belanger Grafton1 product
- Matthew Arnold1 product
- Matthew Fox1 product
- Matthew Kalmenoff1 product
- Maurice Dufrène1 product
- Maurice Leblanc2 products
- Maurice Level. Introduced and Edited by S. T. Joshi1 product
- Maurice Maeterlinck. Translated by Alfred Sutro. Introduction by Edwin Way Teale1 product
- Maurice Ravel9 products
- Max Born3 products
- Max Ernst2 products
- Max Ernst. Foreword by André Breton. Translated by Dorothea Tanning1 product
- Max Euwe and Walter Meiden1 product
- Max Jammer2 products
- Max Jammer. Foreword by Albert Einstein1 product
- Max Planck1 product
- Max Reger1 product
- Max Stirner1 product
- Max Weber2 products
- Maxfield Parrish. Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges1 product
- Maxim Gorky1 product
- Maxwell Rosenlicht1 product
- Mayumi Jezewski1 product
- Megan Kreiner1 product
- Melville Davisson Post1 product
- Melvin Dresher1 product
- Melvin Hausner1 product
- Melvin Lax1 product
- Melvin Schwartz1 product
- Merideth Wright1 product
- Michael C. Gemignani1 product
- Michael D. Greenberg2 products
- Michael Dutton3 products
- Michael E. McCormick1 product
- Michael Faraday3 products
- Michael Grater2 products
- Michael Green and David J. N. Limebeer1 product
- Michael J. Crowe2 products
- Michael J. Schramm1 product
- Michael Pearson1 product
- Michael Stean. Edited and Translated into Algebraic Notation by Fred Wilson1 product
- Michael Tinkham2 products
- Michel de Montaigne. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Michel Liénard1 product
- Michelangelo Buonarroti1 product
- Michelangelo. Rendered by Eric Gottesman1 product
- Michelle Pearce, PhD1 product
- Miguel de Cervantes1 product
- Miguel de Cervantes. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum2 products
- Miguel de Unamuno1 product
- Mike Artell2 products
- Mikhail Botvinnik1 product
- Millard Hopper1 product
- Milo Miloradovich1 product
- Milton Friedman1 product
- Milton Stoneman1 product
- Mimi Kuo-Deemer2 products
- Ming-Ju Sun18 products
- Miodrag Petkovic1 product
- Miryam Adatto11 products
- Modest Moussorgsky1 product
- Mohandas Gandhi. Edited by Homer A. Jack1 product
- Mohandas K. Gandhi1 product
- Moira Allen1 product
- Molière1 product
- Molière. Translated by Henri van Laun1 product
- Monica Wellington8 products
- Monica Wellington with Lydia Wellington1 product
- Montague Summers5 products
- Morgan Llywelyn1 product
- Morgan Robertson1 product
- Morris Kline3 products
- Morton D. Davis1 product
- Morton Hamermesh1 product
- Morton I. Kamien and Nancy L. Schwartz1 product
- Moses Maimonides1 product
- Moses Roper1 product
- Moyra McNeill1 product
- Mrs. Bury Palliser1 product
- Mrs. Eric Pritchard. Illustrations by Rose Le Quesne1 product
- Mrs. F. W. Kettelle1 product
- Mrs. Mary P. Merrifield1 product
- Mrs. Simon Kander and Mrs. Henry Schoenfeld1 product
- Muncie Hendler1 product
- Murasaki Shikibu. Foreword by Amy Lowell. Translated by Annie Shepley Omori and Kochi Doi1 product
- Muzio Clementi1 product
- Myra Waldo1 product
- N. C. Wyeth1 product
- N. C. Wyeth. Edited and with an Introduction by Jeff A. Menges1 product
- N. G. de Bruijn1 product
- N. I. Akhiezer1 product
- N. J. Berrill and Jacquelyn Berrill1 product
- N. N. Lebedev. Translated and edited by Richard R. Silverman1 product
- N. W. McLachlan1 product
- Nakhlé H. Asmar1 product
- Nancy Belfer1 product
- Napoleon Hill1 product
- Narsingh Deo1 product
- Natalie Wright2 products
- Nathan Altshiller-Court1 product
- Nathan Cabot Hale1 product
- Nathan Jacobson3 products
- Nathan Shalit1 product
- Nathaniel Cortland Curtis. Introduction to the Dover edition by Seth Joseph Weine1 product
- Nathaniel Hawthorne6 products
- Natsume Soseki. New English Translation by Matt Treyvaud. Foreword by Michael Emmerich. Introduction by Susan Napier1 product
- Natsume Soseki. Translated by Edwin McClellan1 product
- Natsume Soseki. Translated by Umeji Sasaki1 product
- Naval Education1 product
- Nella Larsen2 products
- Niccolò Machiavelli1 product
- Niccolò Machiavelli. Translated by Henry Neville1 product
- Nick Crossling2 products
- Nick Mamatas. Foreword by Brian Evenson1 product
- Nick Robinson1 product
- Niels Bohr1 product
- Nikola Tesla1 product
- Nikolai Gogol2 products
- Nikolai Medtner3 products
- Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov4 products
- Nils O. Myklestad1 product
- Nina Barbaresi27 products
- Noelle Dahlen12 products
- Noelle Dahlen and Maggie Swanson1 product
- Noelle Dahlen and Sharon Holm1 product
- Nolan R. Wallach1 product
- Nora Hartsfield and Gerhard Ringel1 product
- Norman Bleistein and Richard A. Handelsman1 product
- Norman Douglas1 product
- Norman Lindsay1 product
- Norman Morrison Isham1 product
- Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen1 product
- Norman R. Yetman1 product
- Norman Rockwell2 products
- Norman Rockwell. Rendered for coloring by Peter Donahue1 product
- Norman Rockwell. Rendered for coloring by Sara Jackson1 product
- Norman T. Hamilton and Joseph Landin1 product
- Norvin Pallas1 product
- Novalis1 product
- Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges1 product
- Numata Kashû1 product
- O. Bottema and B. Roth1 product
- O. C. Zienkiewicz and K. Morgan1 product
- O. Henry2 products
- Octavia V. Rogers Albert1 product
- Odell Shepard1 product
- Odilon Redon1 product
- Oksana Kemarskaya1 product
- Olaf Stapledon3 products
- Olaudah Equiano1 product
- Olga Ragusa1 product
- Oliver D. Kellogg1 product
- Oliver Kemp1 product
- Olivier Kahn1 product
- Orin J. Farrell and Bertram Ross1 product
- Oscar Wilde7 products
- Oscar Wilde. Selected and Edited by Bob and Odette Blaisdell1 product
- Oscar Zariski and Pierre Samuel2 products
- Osvald Sirén1 product
- Otis Tufton Mason1 product
- Otto Rank1 product
- Ottorino Respighi1 product
- Ouida1 product
- Ovid1 product
- Ovid. Translated, with an Introduction, by Stanley Appelbaum. Illustrated by Jean de Bosschère1 product
- Owen Biddle1 product
- Owen Byer, Felix Lazebnik, and Deirdre L. Smeltzer1 product
- Oystein Ore1 product
- P. C. Wren1 product
- P. Chadwick1 product
- P. D. Ouspensky2 products
- P. G. Wodehouse6 products
- P. T. Barnum1 product
- P. T. Johnstone1 product
- P. W. Fowler and D. E. Manolopoulos1 product
- Pablo de Sarasate1 product
- Pablo García Loaeza4 products
- Pablo Garcia Loaeza, Ph.D1 product
- Pablo Picasso2 products
- Padraic Colum1 product
- Padraic Colum. Illustrated by Willy Pogany2 products
- Palmer Cox1 product
- Palmira I. Rojas-Otero1 product
- Pamela F. Service1 product
- Pamela Stanley-Millner2 products
- Papus. Translated by A. P. Morton. Preface by A. E. Waite1 product
- Parry Moon and Domina Eberle Spencer1 product
- Pasquale Bona. Translated by Dr. Th. Baker1 product
- Pat Ashforth and Steve Plummer1 product
- Pat Holly and Sue Nickels1 product
- Pat Olski2 products
- Pat Stewart2 products
- Patricia Clark Kenschaft1 product
- Patricia Highsmith1 product
- Patricia J. Wynne14 products
- Patricia J. Wynne and Ross MacPhee1 product
- Patricia J. Wynne, Donald M. Silver, and Rob DeSalle1 product
- Patricia Wynne and Donald Silver1 product
- Patrick Henry and Others1 product
- Patrick Merrell2 products
- Patrick O'Toole2 products
- Patrick Suppes2 products
- Patrick Suppes and Shirley Hill1 product
- Patrick Suppes, David H. Krantz, R. Duncan Luce and Amos Tversky2 products
- Patterns revised by Pat Olski. Photographs by Brian Kraus1 product
- Paul A. Fuhrmann1 product
- Paul Alexandroff1 product
- Paul Brooks. With a new Foreword by Linda Lear1 product
- Paul Calle. Revised and Updated by Chris Calle1 product
- Paul Carus1 product
- Paul Curry1 product
- Paul de Kruif1 product
- Paul Dickson and Thomas B. Allen1 product
- Paul Dickson. With New Material on Iraq and Afghanistan by Ben Lando1 product
- Paul Dukas and Emmanuel Chabrier1 product
- Paul Dukas. Introduction by Daniel Glover1 product
- Paul E. Cohen and Robert T. Augustyn1 product
- Paul E. Kennedy8 products
- Paul Ehrenfest and Tatiana Ehrenfest1 product
- Paul G. Braun1 product
- Paul Gauguin4 products
- Paul J. Cohen1 product
- Paul Kennedy1 product
- Paul L. Houston1 product
- Paul Laurence Dunbar1 product
- Paul R. Halmos5 products
- Paul Waltman1 product
- Paule Ledesma3 products
- Paule Marshall1 product
- Pedro Calderon de la Barca. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Pedro Calderon de la Barca. Translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Pei Chi Chou and Nicholas J. Pagano1 product
- Pepper Cory1 product
- Percy Bysshe Shelley2 products
- Percy W. Blandford1 product
- Peter B. Kahn and Yair Zarmi1 product
- Peter Baxandall and Hans Liebeck1 product
- Peter C. Hughes1 product
- Peter Donahue8 products
- Peter Donahue and Chuck Whelon1 product
- Peter F. Copeland37 products
- Peter F. Copeland, David Rickman and E. Lisle Reedstrom1 product
- Peter G. Bergmann1 product
- Peter Golenbock. With a Preface by Paul Dickson1 product
- Peter Henderson And Co1 product
- Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky14 products
- Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky and Serge Rachmaninoff1 product
- Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky. Edited with an Introduction by Daniel Glover1 product
- Peter J. Tamburro, Jr1 product
- Peter Kropotkin2 products
- Peter Lansing2 products
- Peter Lewis1 product
- Peter Linenthal1 product
- Peter McCullagh1 product
- Peter T. Landsberg2 products
- Petros A. Ioannou and Jing Sun1 product
- Philip C. Jackson, Jr1 product
- Philip Franklin1 product
- Philip J. Davis and Philip Rabinowitz1 product
- Philip K. Dick3 products
- Philip M. Morse and George E. Kimball1 product
- Philip R. Wallace1 product
- Philip Sargeant1 product
- Philip Smith1 product
- Phill Evans1 product
- Phillis Wheatley1 product
- Photo Alterations by Peter Donahue2 products
- Photo alterations by Sara Jackson2 products
- Pierre Berloquin. Illustrated by Denis Dugas2 products
- Pierre Gelis-Didot. Introduction to the Dover Edition by Christopher Drew Armstrong1 product
- Pierre Samuel1 product
- Pierre-Auguste Renoir3 products
- Pierre-Joseph Redouté1 product
- Pietro Mascagni1 product
- Plato3 products
- Plato. Translated by Benjamin Jowett2 products
- Plato. Translated by Francis M. Cornford1 product
- Plymouth Antiquarian Society1 product
- Popular Mechanics Co1 product
- Popular Mechanics Company2 products
- Puzzles created by Lisa Regan and Trudi Webb. Illustrated by Barry Green1 product
- R. A. Bagnold1 product
- R. A. Cordingley1 product
- R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes1 product
- R. Allen Hardy1 product
- R. Allen Hardy and John J. Bowman1 product
- R. C. Anderson1 product
- R. C. Bell1 product
- R. Duncan Luce and Howard Raiffa1 product
- R. Ewart Oakeshott1 product
- R. G. Laha and V. K. Rohatgi1 product
- R. J. Baxter1 product
- R. J. Gettens and G. L. Stout1 product
- R. Newton Mayall and Margaret W. Mayall1 product
- R. T. Campbell2 products
- R. Turner Wilcox3 products
- Rabindranath Tagore1 product
- Rabindranath Tagore. Translated by Surendranath Tagore1 product
- Rainer Maria Rilke3 products
- Rainer Maria Rilke. Translated by Jessie Lemont1 product
- Ralph Payne-Gallwey1 product
- Ralph Waldo Emerson2 products
- Ramona Szczerba1 product
- Randall McVey1 product
- Randolph B. Marcy1 product
- Raphael1 product
- Ray Robinson. With a New Preface by Bob Costas1 product
- Raymond L. Bisplinghoff and Holt Ashley1 product
- Raymond L. Taylor1 product
- Raymond M. Smullyan7 products
- Raymond M. Smullyan and Melvin Fitting1 product
- Raymond M. Smullyan. Introduction by Martin Gardner. Illustrations by Greer Fitting1 product
- Raymond Sheppard1 product
- Raymond Sheppard and Charles F. Tunnicliffe1 product
- Rebecca Tyson Northern1 product
- Rebecca West2 products
- Rendered by Carol Schmidt based on the artwork of Harrison Fisher1 product
- Rendered by Eric Gottesman1 product
- Rendered by Marty Noble9 products
- Rendered by Muncie Hendler2 products
- Rendered by Patricia J. Wynne1 product
- Rendered by Stephen V. Gache. Based on the illustrations by Blanche Fisher Wright1 product
- Rendered for coloring by Marty Noble2 products
- Rendered for Coloring by Nancy Perkins1 product
- René Descartes2 products
- René Dugas1 product
- Retold by J. Bédier. Translated by Hilaire Belloc1 product
- Retold by William Trowbridge Larned. Illustrated by John Rae1 product
- Retold in Modern Prose by Jessie L. Weston1 product
- Rev. Alban Butler1 product
- Richard A. Lyons1 product
- Richard A. Silverman4 products
- Richard Bellman1 product
- Richard Brinsley Sheridan1 product
- Richard C. Tolman2 products
- Richard Connell, Jack London, O. Henry, Clark Ashton Smith, John Kruse, and Rudyard Kipling1 product
- Richard D. Mattuck1 product
- Richard Doyle. Rendered by Marty Noble2 products
- Richard E. Hodel1 product
- Richard E. Meyer1 product
- Richard Friedberg1 product
- Richard Ghez1 product
- Richard H. Crowell and Ralph H. Fox1 product
- Richard Headstrom3 products
- Richard Huber1 product
- Richard Hughes1 product
- Richard J. Gillings1 product
- Richard Jefferies1 product
- Richard Johnsonbaugh and W. E. Pfaffenberger1 product
- Richard L. Bishop and Samuel I. Goldberg1 product
- Richard Merrill1 product
- Richard P. Feynman and Albert R. Hibbs. Emended by Daniel F. Styer1 product
- Richard S. Pierce1 product
- Richard Strauss7 products
- Richard von Mises3 products
- Richard W. Hamming4 products
- Richard Wagner10 products
- Richard Wilbur. Illustrated by Don Almquist1 product
- Richard Wurts. Edited by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Rick and Glory Brightfield2 products
- Rico Prosperoso1 product
- Rita Buchanan1 product
- Rita Weiss5 products
- Roana and Gene Schindler1 product
- Rob Ives1 product
- Robbie Stillerman2 products
- Robert A. Capp and Robert G. Bush1 product
- Robert A. Conover1 product
- Robert B. Ash4 products
- Robert B. Ash and W. P. Novinger1 product
- Robert Baden-Powell1 product
- Robert Browning1 product
- Robert Burnham, Jr3 products
- Robert C. Wrede1 product
- Robert Dorfman, Paul A. Samuelson, and Robert M. Solow1 product
- Robert E. Mosher and Martin C. Tangora1 product
- Robert F. Marx1 product
- Robert Fawcett1 product
- Robert Frost2 products
- Robert Gilmore1 product
- Robert H. Kasriel1 product
- Robert H. Randall1 product
- Robert Hollander1 product
- Robert J. Lang1 product
- Robert Kirk. Introduction by Andrew Lang1 product
- Robert L. Sproull and W. Andrew Phillips1 product
- Robert L. Wolke1 product
- Robert Louis Stevenson7 products
- Robert N. Webb. Illustrated by E. F. Ward1 product
- Robert Obojski1 product
- Robert Osserman1 product
- Robert R. Sokal and F. James Rohlf1 product
- Robert R. Stoll2 products
- Robert Reed1 product
- Robert S. Duncanson1 product
- Robert Schumann2 products
- Robert Schumann, Camille Saint-Saëns and Antonin Dvorák1 product
- Robert Schumann. Edited by Clara Schumann2 products
- Robert Schumann. Edited by Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms1 product
- Robert Schumann. Introduced and Edited by Ephraim Hammett Jones1 product
- Robert Service1 product
- Robert T. Deck1 product
- Robert van Gulik1 product
- Robert W. Chambers. Edited by E. F. Bleiler1 product
- Robert Weinstock1 product
- Robin J. Baker and Kelly A. McElwain3 products
- Roger A. Johnson1 product
- Roger F. Harrington1 product
- Roger Fry1 product
- Roger G. Ghanem and Pol D. Spanos1 product
- Roger Lipsey1 product
- Roger R. Bate, Donald D. Mueller, Jerry E. White, and William W. Saylor1 product
- Roger Temam. Translated by L. S. Orde1 product
- Rolfe Cobleigh1 product
- Rom Harré1 product
- Rona Gurkewitz and Bennett Arnstein2 products
- Ronald Gould1 product
- Rosemary A. Chorzempa1 product
- Rosemary Drysdale1 product
- Rosie Brooks1 product
- Ross C. Cramlet1 product
- Roy McWeeny1 product
- Roz Fulcher6 products
- Rozella Florence Linden1 product
- Rózsa Péter1 product
- Rubén Darío. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum1 product
- Ruby McKim1 product
- Rudolf Carnap2 products
- Rudolf Koch1 product
- Rudolf Modley1 product
- Rudolf Rucker1 product
- Rudolf Spielmann1 product
- Rudolph Fisher1 product
- Rudy Rucker1 product
- Rudyard Kipling6 products
- Rufus Estes1 product
- Rufus Isaacs1 product
- Ruggiero Leoncavallo1 product
- Rupert Brooke1 product
- Rupert Gleadow1 product
- Ruth and Latrobe Carroll1 product
- Ruth Graves Wakefield1 product
- Ruth Leaf1 product
- Ruth Soffer34 products
- Ruth Soffer, Anthony D'Attilio and Lucia de Leiris1 product
- Ruth Stiles Gannett. Illustrated by Ruth Chrisman Gannett1 product
- Rutherford Aris1 product
- S. Angus1 product
- S. Chandrasekhar2 products
- S. H. Hooke1 product
- S. H. Steinberg1 product
- S. I. Gelfand, M. L. Gerver, A. A. Kirillov, N. N. Konstantinov, and A. G. Kushnirenko1 product
- S. L. MacGregor Mathers1 product
- S. L. Sobolev1 product
- S. Lawrence Marple, Jr1 product
- S. M. Bozic1 product
- S. R. De Groot and P. Mazur1 product
- S. S. Gordon1 product
- S. W. Erdnase1 product
- Sadi Carnot1 product
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Translated by Thomas Corbishley, S.J1 product
- Saki (H. H. Munro)1 product
- Sakyo Komatsu. Translated by Michael Gallagher1 product
- Salomon Bochner1 product
- Salvador Dalí3 products
- Sam Loyd1 product
- Samantha Boughton3 products
- Samuel Butler1 product
- Samuel Goldberg3 products
- Samuel Johnson1 product
- Samuel R. Delany2 products
- Samuel S. Holland, Jr1 product
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge1 product
- Samuel Welo1 product
- Sappho. Translated and with an Introduction by J. M. Edmonds1 product
- Sara Muzio3 products
- Sarah Bradford1 product
- Sarah Josepha Hale1 product
- Sarah Orne Jewett2 products
- Sarah Sloyer2 products
- Sarah Tyson Rorer1 product
- Saul I. Gass1 product
- Saul Stahl1 product
- Sax Rohmer1 product
- Scott Altmann2 products
- Scott D. Campbell1 product
- Scott Joplin1 product
- Scott MacNeill2 products
- Sears, Roebuck and Co2 products
- Sears, Roebuck and Co.2 products
- Sears, Roebuck And Co. Introduction by Ben B. Judd, Jr1 product
- Sebastian Brant1 product
- Sei Shonagon. Translated and Edited by Arthur Waley1 product
- Selected and edited by Carter Houck1 product
- Selected and Edited by George Petrie1 product
- Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges4 products
- Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges. Introduction by Mark Burstein1 product
- Selected and Edited by Rollin Smith2 products
- Selected and Retold by Padraic Colum1 product
- Selected and with an Introduction by Rollin Smith1 product
- Selected by Barrett H. Clark1 product
- Selected by Jim Harter2 products
- Selected by Joseph Leeming. Illustrated by Shane Miller1 product
- Selected with an Introduction by Peter Mintun1 product
- Selma Lagerlof1 product
- Serge Lang2 products
- Serge Rachmaninoff5 products
- Sergei Prokofiev3 products
- Sergey Levchin1 product
- Seumas MacManus1 product
- Seymour Resnick3 products
- Shala Kerrigan3 products
- Shankar Sastry and Marc Bodson1 product
- Sharon Lane Holm2 products
- Sharon Reier1 product
- Sheila M. Nelson1 product
- Sheila McGregor2 products
- Shelagh Hollingworth1 product
- Sheldon Cohen1 product
- Shelley Dieterichs1 product
- Sherban Young1 product
- Shereen LaPlantz2 products
- Sherman K. Stein1 product
- Sherralyn St. Clair1 product
- Sherwood Anderson1 product
- Shirley Jackson. Illustrated by Lorraine Fox1 product
- Shlomo Sternberg3 products
- Siavash Shahshahani1 product
- Sid Sackson2 products
- Sidney Toy1 product
- Siegbert Tarrasch1 product
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